Hello all, first time post.

I used Wicket 0.9 for a large project awhile back. We have continued to 
upgrade Wicket with every new release, and we currently sit at 1.2.6. I 
haven't done much maintenance on my project because every Wicket upgrade has 
been smooth.

One feature Wicket didn't have back then was a SubmitLink, so I built my own. 
Now with Wicket 1.2.6, my SubmitLink doesn't work but Wicket's SubmitLink 
works. Let me explain;

I have a  "dynamic" page which contains a form which may contain listviews 
with listviews with listviews (up to 3 deep). Users can add and delete 
listviews at any depth and modify data in the listviews. The add and delete 
links in each listview are SubmitLinks so data isn't lost when the page 
reloads. Here is the problem;

Say I have listviews 1, 2 and 3. When I delete listview 1 with my SubmitLink 
and the page returns, listview 1 and 2 are still present, listview 3 is gone. 
The database says listview 1 is deleted. If I leave the page and come back 
(the model is reloaded), listview 1 is deleted and listview 2 and 3 are 
displayed. When I delete listview 1 with Wicket's SubmitLink and the page 
returns, listview 1 is gone and listview 2 and 3 are present.

So, to test I coppied the source of Wicket's SubmitLink into my own SubmitLink 
class and tried it out. The same problem explained above occurs, even though 
the onclick output of my SubmitLink is exactly the same as the onclick output 
of Wicket's submit link (the rest of the html is exactly the same too). 

I would use Wicket's SubmitLink, except I need a confirmation dialog to popup 
to confirm a user's delete request.

So, does anyone know how to easily modify Wicket's SubmitLink javascript so I 
can have my confirmation dialog? I could override getOnClickScript() and pass 
in a bunch of javascript, but I would rather somehow grab the onclick 
javascript from SubmitLink and append the confirm.

Or..., any other ideas?

Thanks for any help,

Darren H.

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