Normally you put in <tr> the wicket:id of the listview component and in <td>
the single component previously added in the listview
How could you manage that with two listview in the manner you indicate??
Have you ever tried that? are you sure?
Anyway I guess the problem of the match between components in form object and
markup do not change 
when you create a list view implicit you define a fix number of columns thet
you add to the listview which in turn you add to the form. 
Please, if you can, post the code you used to solve the problem or try to
sketch it. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Paolo Di Tommaso [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 10 August 2007 14:41
Subject: Re: How Can I Implement a Dynamic Table?

There are many ways ..

For example you can have two nested ListView, for example:

<table >
<tr wicket:id="the-row" >
  <td wicket:id="the-column" > value </td>

The first iterate over the row as usual, and the second over the columns.

The problem can be reduced to have a valid model to specify the columns.
This could be done, with a simple array of bean attribute names or using
reflection to extract bean getter ... or some other complex way ..

- Paolo (at

On 8/10/07, Pantaleoni, Andrea (KCTU) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have to implement a dynamic table: depending on user choices or values
> of
> fields in database, the number of columns could change.
> e.g. In same case I can have 3 columns containing Labels or in other cases
> 5
> containing Labels and form components(and so on).
> To do that I'm using a ListView inside a WebMarkupContainer(I need to
> implements some ajax behavior too)
> The problems is that wicket require a exact match between components added
> to
> the form object or page and markup items inside the relative html page
> Someone of you has already faced that problems?
> Any suggestion?
> Many Thanks
> Andrea

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