> > I have a functional base for this already in wicket-contrib-yui trunk.
> > Needs a friendlier api and a bit of polish, but all the pieces are
> > there.  I've been very short on time, so if anyone feels like picking
> > it up that would be great.
> Cool. Sorry, forgot about the fact that you mentioned this earlier.
> Short on time as well :)
> David, I'd be interested to hear what you think of that implementation.

Not sure if you mean YUI menus itself, or what is in wicket-contrib-yui.
I took a quick look at the former (not the code, just the example), but
not yet the latter.

I can't yet comment on the quality or usability of the library, but it
seems to have a lot of features.

But then again... this goes way beyond what I was intending on doing at
this point. For me right now, I'm just looking for something that takes
the ListView a little further to render a menu of a webpage in simple
html markup together with CSS.

(That's why I started a new thread, rather than continuing with the
"Menu???" thread... sorry I didn't make that clearer.)

For instance, I just want to be able to change if a menu is rendered
vertically or horizontally, if I put "|" or some other separator between
the items or not, and that kind of thing. Shouldn't be hard to
implement, but I just wanted to check to see if there was an existing
implementation first.

Personally, unless there's a real necessity, I don't like creating too
much dependency on something like YUI. Not only do I find it bulky,
fragile, and difficult to work with (I do with javascript in general,
not just YUI), but that project is not open and they didn't reply to my
previous bug report / change request.

I'll have to give this some more though, which I'll only be able to do
once I really jump into this aspect of my project.


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