I managed to solve it by setting the values directly using:

tester.setParameterForNextRequest("wizard:form:view:phoneMaker", 1);

and completely bypassing the ajax.

sorry for the trouble.


On 17/08/07, wicket user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not entirely sure that this isn't bad mailing list form but this
> article in the old mailing list was so close to my existing problem that I
> thought that I would continue it:
> Ok, so I've got the first part of updating a DropDownChoice Ajax unit test
> working as described in the forum (
> http://www.nabble.com/Unit-testing---updating-a-DropDownChoice-with-Ajax-tf3946499.html)
> previously but when I try to * select* the second DropDownChoice and
> submit the form I'm getting the form returning that the value is missing.
> It is a required field so its supposed to object if it isn't set but I'm not
> sure why it's not picking up that I've set it.
> Here is a bit of the code:
>                 FormTester ftester = tester.newFormTester("wizard:form");
>                 // select the phone maker
>                 ftester.select("view:phone.make", 0);
>                 tester.executeAjaxEvent(PHONEMAKE, "onchange");
>                 // select the phone model
>                 DropDownChoice phoneModels =
>  (DropDownChoice)tester.getLastRenderedPage().get(PHONEMODEL);
>                 // This passes
>                 assertEquals(20, phoneModels.getChoices().size());
>                  // Here I'm selecting the second dropdown, as usual
> right?
>                 ftester.select("view:phone.model", 0);
>                 // submit the wizard to the next
>                 ftester.submit("buttons:next");
>                 tester.assertNoInfoMessage();
>                 *// Here is where I'm expecting nothing but get the
> missing required field*
>                 tester.assertNoErrorMessage();
> I've tried various combinations of the above but to no avail.
> Thanks Simon

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