my border handles multiple formcomponetns if they are meant to be grouped.
for example you can add 3 textfields and it will create labels like:

city/state/zip [text1][text2][text3] errors for text1/text2/text3

i have a utility method in my Form subclass addWithBorder(String borderid,
FormComponent... fcs)

so my code usually looks like:

addWithBorder("nameborder", new
TextField("name").setRequired(true).setLabel(new ResourceModel("
and in markup: <div wicket:id="nameborder"><input type="text"

the border will then generate
<td><label for="name">name</label></td><td><input type="text" id="name" ...
/> [any errors]</td>

unfortunately i can post the code for it, but it isnt very complicated


On 8/17/07, Onno Scheffers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Igor,
> does this mean that you wrote a Border component that handles multiple
> formcomponents at once? Or that you wrote a Border component that
> handles only one formcomponent at a time (like the
> FormComponentFeedbackBorder)?
> The first is what I've been trying to figure out, because I find the
> second way of doing it very code-intensive in both Markup and Java code.
> I could use some example code if that's possible, since I haven't been
> able to figure out how to do it.
> I can visit all formComponents (getForm().visitFormComponents()) but
> adding new components to them during rendering is not possible if I'm
> not mistaken?
> Regards,
> Onno
> > yep, i have a border implementation that does just this.
> >
> > it searches its hierarchy for a formcomponent(s) and adds labels, then
> if
> > there are any errors it renders them after the component. so it is
> > definetely possible, you still have to add a border/component but the
> > chances are you are adding a label/component anyways.
> >
> > -igor
> >
> >
> > On 8/16/07, Scott Swank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Look at Borders
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Particular the FormComponentFeedbackBorder.
> >>
> >>
> >> On 8/16/07, Onno Scheffers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> I'm new to Wicket. I worked with Tapestry before and I was wondering
> if
> >>> there's something like the Tapestry ValidationDelegate available in
> >>>
> >> Wicket?
> >>
> >>> By adding a ValidationDelegate to a form I was able to override
> methods
> >>> like writeLabelPrefix, writeLabelSuffix, writePrefix and writeSuffix.
> >>> That made it very easy to add a '*' behind each component in the form
> if
> >>> it was required and when it was in error I could automatically render
> >>> the error-message behind the component and apply an error-style to the
> >>> label of that component.
> >>> It made life much easier and saved a lot of code.
> >>>
> >>> So far the only way I've been able to get error-messages to render
> >>> behind component in Wicket is by using a custom component that I
> >>> manually have to add after each component to both the template and to
> >>> the Java code. I haven't yet found a way to add behaviors to
> components
> >>> or forms that can render this kind of markup behind an existing
> >>> component or its label.
> >>>
> >>> Rendering error-messages behind components is quite common and I'm a
> >>> Wicket newbie, so I'm sure I must have overlooked something. Any help
> >>> would be appreciated.
> >>>
> >>> regards,
> >>>
> >>> Onno
> >>>
> >>>
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> >>>
> >> --
> >> Scott Swank
> >> reformed mathematician
> >>
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> >
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