>     <servlet-mapping>
>         <servlet-name>WicketApplication</servlet-name>
>         <url-pattern>/wicket</url-pattern>
>     </servlet-mapping>
>     <servlet-mapping>
>         <servlet-name>WicketApplication</servlet-name>
>         <url-pattern>/</url-pattern>
>     </servlet-mapping>
>     I'm using Netbeans 5.5.1 with the Wicket support plugin, so I didn't
> edited this file by hand but rather I added a / in the edit field in a comma
> separated list as instructed, like "/wicket,/", and the editor converted
> that to the xml tags.

Tbh, I don't see why you would need two mappings. Maybe it is
something the plugin requires, but typically one should be enough.

>     The "/wicket" part seems to be put there at the creation of the example
> Wicket project, which is handled by the support plugin. BTW I've used just
> /, not /*, but since my example was just one page, perhaps that's why it
> worked anyway. I'll change that to /*.

You need /* (or /wicket/*) to let Wicket handle things like
javascript/ css contributions and serve packaged images etc. Wicket
simply doesn't work properly if you don't put that star in.

>     I want to add... well, as you all might have noticed, I'm newbie in all
> this, in the last weeks I've been suffering all the pains of JSP, JSF, XML
> and all that nightmare.
>     I've found Wicket last thursday night and right now I'm rather confident
> about the things that I, with all my "newbieness" on my shoulders, can do in
> the next days.
>     Thanks for doing such great work !!!

Good, keep on struggeling and eventually you'll get there :)


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