well, that is pretty interesting. set a break point after the injection has
finished and see what really is assigned to that field. i didnt write the
guice injector, but from what i can see it always injects wicket's lazy
lookup proxy. you should see something like:

one peculiar thing that i see is GuiceProxyTargetLocator keeps a reference
to java.lang.annotation.Annotation which is not necessarily serializable,
but the GuiceInjectorTest passes fine, so it must be :|

please paste the entire stack trace of the error. wicket has a serialization
checker which is very good at pinpointing the problematic field - it should
be output as an error/warning into your log.


On 8/23/07, Jan Kriesten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi igor,
> > are you using wicket-guice? or just the guice' raw injection?
> wicket-guice:
> addComponentInstantiationListener( new GuiceComponentInjector( this,
> injector ) );
> regards, --- jan.
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