Hello Konstantin,

Your code snippet is from panel constructor, is not it? So far it
executed only first time, by creating page!

Your need explicitly use in the link handler replaceWith() method. See
Component's javadoc.



Friday, August 24, 2007, 8:46:01 AM, you wrote:

> I need to change presentation dynamically depending on
> object status and I can do it with conditionally using
> different panels like this:
> if( getWSSession().getVisit().isSaved( v.getId() ) ){
>             add( new VehicleUncompareControl(
> "compareControl", new Model( v ), new Component[]{
> ajaxTarget, VehicleItem.this}));
>         } else{
>             add( new VehicleCompareControl(
> "compareControl", new Model( v ), new Component[]{
> ajaxTarget, VehicleItem.this}));
>         }

> so far so good, BUT, when I click on the AjaxLink
> inside of those panels they change status of the
> component (vehicle), so I would like the item to
> reflect the change - and THAT does not happens. It is
> sort of understandable because component already has
> been created...

> But the question is: How can I do that in Wicket:
> conditionally change markup and see effect of those 
> changes for Ajax updates too?

> Konstantin Ignatyev

> PS: If this is a typical day on planet earth, humans will add
> fifteen million tons of carbon to the atmosphere, destroy 115 square miles of
> tropical rainforest, create seventy-two miles of desert, eliminate
> between forty to one hundred species, erode seventy-one million tons of
> topsoil, add 2,700 tons of CFCs to the stratosphere, and increase their 
> population by 263,000

> Bowers, C.A.  The Culture of Denial:  Why the Environmental
> Movement Needs a Strategy for Reforming Universities and Public Schools.  New
> York:  State University of New York Press, 1997: (4) (5) (p.206)

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