On Fri, 24 Aug 2007 12:24:46 +0200
Federico Fanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I was wondering, is there a way to cleanly enable/disable complex 
> > components such as DateFields and Palettes? I see that 
> > Component.setEnabled() is final so it cannot be overridden to handle 
> > special cases.. Should I always call visitChildren() on the component and 
> > setEnabled() on every subcomponent?
> Just noticed that isEnabled isn't final.. Should I ovveride it and call 
> setEnabled on the subcomponents there?

Did that with DateFields and it works, while Palettes subcomponents handle 
getPalette().isEnabled() on their own.. Problem solved X-) Thanks for the 
attention all the same!

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