On 8/27/07, Thomas Singer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Your best bet on getting quick support is to fix it yourself and send
> > in a patch.
> Well, if that would be possible, I would have done that or worked around
> it
> myself (like done with some own components).
> > http://www.wicket-support.com/
> Sorry to say, but I hate websites where you can't find an address on it.

I think the email address is quite obvious.

What Wicket core developer can provide support (e.g. because (s)he is
> working in the mentioned companies)? Or are you "only" working in your
> spare-time on Wicket?

Please understand me: I had a good feeling about Wicket, but this
> show-stopper problem makes me feel a little bit sick, because I don't know
> whether there are other such problems which prevent using Wicket for our
> website at all.

Ever heard of open source?  Just think about it a little. You have a product
that a group of people spend lot of time developing and they are giving it
to you for free. So now just because your problem haven't been fixed in 10
hours, you feel "sick" about it?

BTW, I still have the feeling, that if Wicket provides a feature to download
> something large (except normal pages), it must not block until this file
> is
> downloaded. My co-worker told me (I haven't verified), that he stopped the
> download and this also blocked Wicket. He had to restart Tomcat!

It blocks only if that is a component request (it blocks on pagemap). If you
have large files you need to use shared resources that don't block. Also the
block is only one pagemap only (thus one session) and it lasts only for a
minute. No need to restart tomcat server.


> Best regards,
> Thomas Singer
> _____________
> SyntEvo GmbH
> Brunnfeld 11
> 83404 Ainring
> Germany
> www.syntevo.com
> Eelco Hillenius wrote:
> > On 8/27/07, Thomas Singer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Isn't fixing bugs the task of the Wicket developers? We don't have a
> problem
> >> ordering support, but I could not find information where to get it.
> >
> > It's unfortunate you have an urgent problem. Sorry about that.
> > However, everyone of the development team does most of the working on
> > Wicket, including following this very time consuming mailing list, in
> > their spare time.
> >
> > Some of us joined in a support initiative:
> > http://www.wicket-support.com/, and you might be able to get some very
> > direct support there. For all I know they are pretty busy right now.
> > As long as Wicket doesn't have the same number of users as Spring of
> > JBoss, it's going to be very hard to build support that's always
> > available. And there are the companies listed at
> > http://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/companies-that-provide-services.html
> > like Gerolf said.
> >
> > Your best bet on getting quick support is to fix it yourself and send
> > in a patch. This is not because we're lazy, but because we're very
> > short on spare time. It may be easier than you think to provide a
> > patch, and maybe you get hire a wizard programmer somewhere who knows
> > his or her way around Wicket.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Eelco
> >
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