> Over in the Slashdot article about "GWT in Action" there are some negative
> opinions toward Wicket expressed.  Just thought I'd mention it in case any
> of the gurus want to weigh in too.  (Head over to this link, set the
> threshold to 4, then search for "Wicket",
> http://books.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/08/29/1418229 ).

I just did, cheers. There are also a lot of people complaining about
GWT, as there are a bunch defending it. Welcome to Java Land :)

That Wicket and GWT aren't for everyone isn't surprising, since both
make a couple of strong assumptions. And people who complain about
framework bloat are as old as our profession (and they are often right
as well). Let me just say I'm very very glad I don't have to develop
the site I'm working on using Perl. :)


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