
I'm having some trouble with FeedbackPanel. I have an ajax validated form and 
submit button. Whenever a component looses focus it and the others are 
validated and if there are errors these are displayed in the single 
feedbackpanel abover the form. This works fine however I have a problem when 
submitting with my AjaxButton. There is a lengthy method call in 
AjaxButton#onSubmit() which (as it contacts other servers) mail fail. If an 
exception in thrown I call error() in order to show the user that the 
submission process has failed. This call works, however most of the time I only 
see the error message for a split second. When I submit by pressing enter it 
seems to work OK.

I think his has something to do with the componenet focus and have been trying 
to decern a pattern in this behaviour but so far despite numerous re-workings 
the feedbackpanel behaviour remains the same.

I have uploaded a small quickstart project demonstrating this problem over at 
http://www.transcendenz.co.uk/quickstart.zip and I would be most grateful if 
someone with greater Wicket knowledge than I could have a quick look and tell 
me what I'm doing wrong.

Many thanks in advance,


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