
My scenario is the following, I've got a page that allows a user to send an
sms to themselves every 20 seconds to a maximum of two times just incase
something in the network stopped the sms from getting to them in the first

I have an ajax timer that enables the resend button after the specified time
and a count property of the page that stores the number of retries.

All works well and the button is disabled and enabled as expected in the
normal flow of events.

BUT when the user hits the back button after everything has been disabled
it's all enabled again, it's clearly to do with the undo ability of wicket
but no matter what I try I can't seemed to keep those components disabled on
an undo.

I've tried:

- setting the page to versioned/unversioned
- checking the page state onBeforeRendering and trying to set the value

What's really missing in my mind is a fundemental UNDERSTANDING of how this
works and how I deal with this problem. It seems such as simple thing but
I'm more then a little confused and starting to get irked.

So my questions (plural) are the following:
- where can I read more about what happens when the back button is hit?
- is there a way I can TEST this scenario with WicketTester?
- how do I keep that page in the same state on back being hit
- Maybe I'm tackling this the wrong way and I should be storing the state in
a session?

Thanks as always

ps. Wicket rocks, it's just my understanding that doesn't

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