Please hijack away.

I have been quite happy with Wasp and Swarm. It's simple and painless but quite flexible. The examples are the life saver though. To be honest, the security framework is why I chose to use Wicket for this project instead of Tapestry.

I am however having a few issues figuring out some "best practices" that maybe you or some other experienced Wasp/Swarm users may be able to shed some light on.

1. Where would you store a reference to the logged in user. Currently have it in a DetachableModel in a custom session. There has to be a better place to put the user reference that fits more directly with the security framework.

2. I very much like your SecureTab example but something like a SecurePanelLink within the framework would be helpful. I have been working on my own that mirrors the SecurePageLink as much as possible but it is still a bit wonky. This is helpful because once you get into a tab layout, navigation to other panels that are not directly attached to a tab becomes annoying at best. I am working through it but seems like someone must have solved this issues a few times over in an elegant fashion. Maybe some kind of "panel stack" with tab integration?

3. I don't understand the DataPermissions, configuration and their use cases. I must admit I have not spent the time to dig through the example extensively but I don't understand the use cases enough to know why I would want to spend the time.

4. I am working on an application that will eventually have very complicated permission structure. Right now I am fumbling a solution together for phase one. Eventually I would like to be able to "filter" the date returned to a user based on some permissions while not coupling the security layer to the Dao's to tightly. A typical structure would be as follows:

O - Organisation
U - User

     /  / \  \
   /   |   |   \
  U U U O
             /  |  \
           U O O
             / |    |   \
           U U  U  U

Consider a use case where you have a hierarchy of Financial Transaction Processors with the following 2 user types/principals:

Customer Service - Allowed to see transactions and act on them if the transactions are for their direct organisation Billing - Allowed to see transaction and act on them for their direct organisation and any sub-organisations

The final goal would be to have an interface much like that in the wicket-phonebook example where the DataProvider ( or something else ) would feed the appropriate results out of the hibernate dao's into the DataTable based on the users permissions.

Any clues to some elegant approach?


On Sep 9, 2007, at 6:12 PM, Maurice Marrink wrote:

Allow me to hijack this topic because my eye sees the magic word
ISecureComponent :D

Glad to come across another user of Wasp and Swarm. Any comments /
questions about them?


On 9/9/07, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
heh, seems a lot of people run into it. the short is that you have to do

lets say you have a ref to the panel: private Panel panel;

what you do is this:
panel.replaceWith(new Panel());

and then later again
panel.replaceWith(new Panel());

^ the second time will fail beause you have removed panel from hierarchy
already - you replaced it with another panel.

the proper way to do it is to keep the reference up to date, so
Panel temp=new Panel();

that way when it happens the second time it will properly act on the new
panel that is inside the hierarchy now.


On 9/9/07, Anthony Schexnaildre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to create a link that will replace one panel with another on the page. This seems as though it should be an easy task but after many attempts and searching the net for examples I have yet to get it
working so the replacement can happen more than one without the
component becoming orphaned. On the second replace attempt i get the
following exception. Anyone have the solution?

Thank you,


java.lang.IllegalStateException: This method can only be called on a
component that has already been added to its parent.
at org.apache.wicket.Component.replaceWith( 2266)
      at com.pinwise.pinbase.web.components.links.SecurePanelLink
      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
      at org.apache.wicket.RequestListenerInterface.invoke



        public UserPanel(String id) {

                UserFormPanel userFormPanel = new
                add( userFormPanel );

                List<IColumn> columns = new ArrayList<IColumn>();
                final Model m = new Model(userFormPanel);
         columns.add(new PropertyColumn(new Model("Actions"), "id")
public void populateItem(Item cellItem, String
componentId, final
IModel model)
                                EditActionPanel panel = new
EditActionPanel(componentId, model);
SecurePanelLink.createSecurePanelLink( "edit", m,
UserFormPanel.class, model ) );
               cellItem.add( panel );

         columns.add(new PropertyColumn(new Model("Username"),
"username", "username"));
         columns.add(new PropertyColumn(new Model("First Name"),
"firstName", "firstName"));
         columns.add(new PropertyColumn(new Model("Last Name"),
"lastName", "lastName"));

         add(new DefaultDataTable("table", columns, new
SortableUserDataProvider(), 10));

public class SecurePanelLink extends Link implements ISecureComponent {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        protected IPanelLink panelLink;

         * @param id
         * @param c
        public SecurePanelLink(String id, final Class c)
                // Ensure that c is a subclass of Panel
                if (!Panel.class.isAssignableFrom(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class " + c +
" is not a
subclass of Panel");

                this.panelLink = createIPanelLink( id, c );
                setSecurityCheck(new LinkSecurityCheck(this, c));

        public SecurePanelLink(String id, final Class c, Model
                // Ensure that c is a subclass of Panel
                if (!Panel.class.isAssignableFrom(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class " + c +
" is not a
subclass of Panel");

                this.panelLink = createIPanelLink( id, c );
                setSecurityCheck(new LinkSecurityCheck(this, c));

private IPanelLink createIPanelLink( String id, final Class c ) {
                return new IPanelLink()
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

                        public Panel getPanel( String id )
                                // Create panel using panel factory
return getPanelFactory().newPanel (id, c );

public Panel getPanel( String id, IModel model)
                                // Create panel using panel factory
return getPanelFactory().newPanel (id, c,

public Panel getPanel( Panel panel, IModel model)
                                // Create panel using panel factory
                                return getPanelFactory().newPanel(
panel.getId(), c, model);

                        public Class getPanelIdentity()
                                return c;

public static SecurePanelLink createSecurePanelLink ( String id,
Class clazz ) {
                return new SecurePanelLink( id, clazz ) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

                        public void onClick() {
                                Panel panel = ((Panel)findParent(
panel.replaceWith ( panelLink.getPanel(
panel.getId() ) );

public static SecurePanelLink createSecurePanelLink ( String id,
Class newPanel, final IModel model ) {
                return new SecurePanelLink( id, newPanel ) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

                        public void onClick() {
                                Panel panel = ((Panel)findParent(
panel.replaceWith ( panelLink.getPanel(
panel.getId(), model ) );

public static SecurePanelLink createSecurePanelLink ( String id,
final Model existingPanel, Class newPanel, final IModel model ) {
return new SecurePanelLink( id, newPanel, existingPanel )
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

                        public void onClick() {
                                Panel p =
                                Panel panel = panelLink.getPanel
(), model );
                                p.getParent().replace( panel );

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