
Two questions really:

1) I've got a page that gets hit by an outside credit card merchant once
they have validated the card, they post me my transaction ID along with a
whole host of other parameters. Getting them from the request is easy in the
page itself but trying to unit test it is driving me nuts. Basically I want
to start the page with parameters already loaded, it has to be staring me in
the face but I haven't had any luck.

2) Are there unit tests for all the examples that are on
http://wicketstuff.org/wicket13/ ? If they are available it would be nice to
have the ability of viewing the tests alongside the htm and source, that way
you can see how to build and break it at the same time. Unless of course I'm
the only one doing a combination of FDD/TDD?

Thanks again,

ps. I have been snooping around hoping to actually contribute more then
questions but all the easy ones are answered already :-)

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