(see below)

On 9/25/07, David Leangen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm interested in this problem, too... question below.
> > Then what I did was I installed Tortoise SVN and Apache Web Server (not
> > Tomcat) on the designers machine.  Also on their machine, I created a
> > wwwroot/myproject directory and under there I linked:
> >
> > wwwroot
> >   - myproject
> >        -  home  -> svn://...src/main/resources/..../home
> >        -  user  -> svn://...src/main/resources/..../user
> >        -  css   -> svn://...src/main/webapp/css
> >        -  img   -> svn://...src/main/webapp/img
> >
> > Then I configured apache for that directory, and that's the "test website"
> > Dreamweaver launches after they make edits and want to preview.  When the
> > designer is all done, they do an SVN Commit through Tortoise.
> I don't quite understand this second part. What do you mean by you
> "linked" wwroot/blah/blah" to "svn://blah/blah"? You mean you just
> checked out svn into that dir?
That's what I meant, I checked out to these friendly folders instead
of replicating the entire repo structure on their machine.

> Why do you need to install Apache on the client machine if you're just
> using static files? Can't your designer just access with the file://
> url?

I did that so Dreamweaver wouldn't place file:// stuff in the links
within the page.  Those don't work too well when checked back into

> Finally, the most important thing for the designer is to view the stuff
> in context. It doesn't mean much for the designer to see this html:
> <wicket:panel>
>   <div wicket:id="someReallyComplicatedComponent"/>
> </wicket:panel>
> Are you saying you don't set up anything so your designers can view
> someReallyComplicatedComponent in context with the application?

What would happen is the designer would flesh out the
"reallyComplicatedComponent" div with what it looks like mocked up.
When Wicket has it's way with it, all their mockup is replaced with
what hopefully resembles their mockup.

> Cheers,
> David


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