I think that would be a wonderful addition to the examples. I spent several hours yesterday trying to find an example that covered this. In the meantime, any additional pointers to best practices for this would be appreciated so that I can get this part of my project working.


On Sep 26, 2007, at 9:37 PM, Eelco Hillenius wrote:

Apologies for reviving a dead thread, but I'm having the issues
discussed below and don't entirely understand the proposed
solutions.  In my case I have a form with multiple TextFields each of
which is required.  Using the common suggestion of:


The user is prompted with multiple required field errors when they
tab out of the first required field.  This obviously isn't ideal as
the user hasn't even had a chance to enter data in the other fields.
This even happens using the form validation example straight out of
the "Pro Wicket" book.

I've got an AjaxFallbackButton mostly working to validate everything
only when the form is submitted, but if the user gets an error and
then submits the form again without fixing the error the form is
submitted without validation.  I'm sure there is a bug in my code
somewhere, but even if there is do I really need to write a half page
of code to implement an AjaxFallbackButton for what would seem to be
the most common use case (wanting to validate the entire form at once
prior to submission)?

I just feel like I'm missing the obvious one liner that will do this
for me.  Can someone please point me to an example of validating
multiple form fields using Ajax and wicket upon form submission?

Maybe what we should do is create an example for Wicket examples that
shows what most would agree is best practice here. It's definitively
not the idea that you have to write half a page of code to achieve
this, and it seems this issue regularly comes up.


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Mike Comb
Director of Engineering
SoftCoin, Inc

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