I am using wizard, its dynamic variant with DynamicWizardModel, DynamicWizardStep and IDynamicWizardStep. Would it be possible to add to wizard the possibility to also disable the cancel button? Or if I can do it somehow myself and get it to trunk, I will do, just tell me. I use wizard for importing many files into database and last step of wizard is just summary, both buttons - Cancel and Finish - do the same and there is no possibility to go back, so I would like to make availiable only Finish button.

Thank you.


Ballist1c wrote:
Thanks mate, thats PERFECT! haha.. i just found attributeModifier setup!!!
lol rad!!!

Martijn Dashorst wrote:
Create a YouTubePanel:

class YouTubePanel extends Panel {
    private int width;
    private int height;

    public YouTubePanel(String id, IModel src) {
        add(new AttributeModifier("width", true, new
PropertyModel(this, "width")));
        add(new AttributeModifier("height", true, new
PropertyModel(this, "height")));
        add(new WebMarkupContainer("movie").add(new
AttributeModifier("value", true, src)));
        add(new WebMarkupContainer("embed").add(new
AttributeModifier("src", true, src)));
    /* add component tag check for object */


On 10/1/07, Ballist1c <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey guys,

Right now I am attempting to setup a mechanism which allows users to
there own youtube video links and getting them to display in an embedded

e.g.  (ignore the dashes in HTML)
<obj-ect width="425" height="350">
  <par-am name="movie"
  <par-am name="wmode" value="transparent"></pa-ram>
  <emb-ed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Z3ClCwcCvdQ";
                wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></em-bed>

There are some non-standard HTML tags and attributes in use and from what
can tell, it looks like I would have to write my own wicket component. The
bit that throws me off, is the HTML to embed youtube videos is nested
multiple levels...

Any advice on this matter would be appreciated, i am stuck for a starting
point on how to tackle nested HTML and there respective components

Thanks guys,
Have a great day :)
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