> the *pub* example (http://wicketstuff.org/wicket13/pub/) shows how a
> localized string can be retrieved from a properties file and then
> dinamically inserted in a page. Still, with the exception of that string,
> the remaining markup is kept static, which results in separated, localized
> HTML files for each locale.
> So is this the current best practice regarding localization in Wicket? Or
> would it be better to replace all static UI labels with dynamic Wicket
> labels such that their localized values are defined in the corresponding
> properties files? I'm asking because the 2nd option, even though it allows
> the production of a single HTML file for all locales, obviously has a higher
> development cost... Would the benefit be high enough to justify that choice?

Best way to go is probably to use <wicket:message> tags for static
blocks that need to be localized.


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