Hi Ate and Thijs,
I'm actually trying to get Wicket working with Liferay portal 4.3.2. I already implement the 2 interfaces (not really sure of my work) and I can actually see the portlet example content of Wicket in Liferay.

Here the steps I've done :
- use Liferay 4.3.2 with tomcat (there's aparently a problem with Jetty)
- Start Tomcat
- upload wicket-exemples.war from plugin porltlet in liferay
- Stop Tomcat
- add a new file called WicketPortlet.properties in the <TC_HOME>/webapp/wicket-exemples/WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/wicket/protocol/http/portlet directory with content :
- Change in the portlet.xml the content type for all portlets from "*/*" to text/html (Liferay doesn't render generic content type !)

After that, I must merge the differents classpath because Wicket must have access to Liferay's class with my implentation classes... (maybe we can do it better)
- Move the <TC_HOME>/webapp/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib content to a new folder <TC_HOME>/common/lib/ext_liferay
- Move the <TC_HOME>/webapp/wicket-exemples/WEB-INF/lib content to a new folder <TC_HOME>/common/lib/ext_wicket
- Change the class path in the <TC_HOME>/conf/catalina.properties by adding ${catalina.home}/common/lib/ext_liferay/*.jar to the common.loader property
- Add this 2 jars to <TC_HOME>/common/lib/ext_liferay
 - liferaytoapacheportalbridge.jar (my implentation of the 2 interfaces from PortalBridge)
 - portals-bridges-common-1.0.3.jar
- To prevent version conflit of Spring, remove <TC_HOME>/common/lib/ext_liferay/spring.jar (Spring v1) jar file - the Spring v2 jar file from Wicket will be used.

- Start Tomcat

At this point, you can see the Wicket Example portlet or HelloWorld portlet in Liferay, but none of the url links works...

Here is my code for : com.liferay.portlet.LiferayToPortalBridgePortletResourceURLFactory
public class LiferayToPortalBridgePortletResourceURLFactory implements PortletResourceURLFactory

    public String createResourceURL( PortletConfig portletConfig, RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse renderResponse, Map portletArg ) throws PortletException
        String retval = "";

        final PortletURL url = "">         if ( portletArg != null )
            url.setParameters( portletArg );
        retval = url.toString();
        return retval;


And here is my implementation of  com.liferay.portal.apache.bridges.struts.LiferayToPortalBridgeServletContextProvider :

// I get inspired from Liferay Struts bridge : com.liferay.portal.apache.bridges.struts.LiferayServletContextProvider

public class LiferayToPortalBridgeServletContextProvider implements ServletContextProvider
    public ServletContext getServletContext( GenericPortlet portlet )
        final PortletContextImpl portletCtxImpl = (PortletContextImpl)portlet.getPortletContext();

        return this.getServletContext( portletCtxImpl.getServletContext() );

    public HttpServletRequest getHttpServletRequest( GenericPortlet portlet, PortletRequest req )
        HttpServletRequest httpReq = null;

        if ( req instanceof ActionRequestImpl )
            httpReq = ( (ActionRequestImpl)req ).getHttpServletRequest();

            final String contentType = httpReq.getHeader( HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE );

            if ( contentType != null && contentType.startsWith( ContentTypes.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA ) )

                    httpReq = new UploadServletRequest( httpReq );
                catch( final IOException ioe )

                httpReq = new LiferayStrutsRequestImpl( httpReq );
                httpReq = new LiferayStrutsRequestImpl( (ActionRequestImpl)req );
            httpReq = new LiferayStrutsRequestImpl( (RenderRequestImpl)req );

        return httpReq;

    public HttpServletResponse getHttpServletResponse( GenericPortlet portlet, PortletResponse res )
        if ( res instanceof RenderResponseImpl )
            return ( (RenderResponseImpl)res ).getHttpServletResponse();
        else return ( (ActionResponseImpl)res ).getHttpServletResponse();

    public ServletContext getServletContext( ServletContext ctx )
        return new LiferayServletContext( ctx );



Thijs a écrit :
I'll be on training for the rest of the week, but if I find time in between
I'll make sure to have a look. Otherwise next weekend :)


Ate Douma wrote:
Thijs wrote:
Hi (Ate?)
Hi Thijs,

Is there someone who could write a small wikipage on what I have to
in a Quickstart project to deploy it as a portlet?
I can and will, and even promised to do so last week :(
But I'm currently crammed with two new client (portal) projects put on my
table last week as well as adding some finer integration for Wicket Header 
Contributions in Jetspeed before we release Jetspeed 2.1.3 hopefully
somewhere next week (you can expect a few small. but transparent, changes
to the Wicket 
Portlet support shortly).

I'm trying to get the examples.war working on a liferay portal
(liferay.com). But this is giving me so much trouble that I just want to
work with an 'empty' quickstart. 
Because I'm not sure if it is Wicket that is giving me the headache's or
Liferay (with their custom xml configs).

To get you started, I'll give the important configuration (and portal
runtime) settings/requirements inline here.
These will eventually end up on a Wiki page, but I'm afraid I won't have
time to write that before next week.

First of all, you need to make sure the portal (Liferay in your case)
provides an implementation of the Apache Portals Bridges
interface, see:

The related jar containing this interface, portal-bridges-common-1.0.3.jar
(available from repo1.maven.org) needs to be in your portlet classpath
directly or 
provided in the shared classpath of your portal.

You will have to check if your portal (Liferay) provides support for these
kind of RenderURLs which allows direct access to a portlet and full
control over its 
response (like setting content type etc.). A ResourceURL will be a
standard JSR-286 (Portlet API 2.0) feature but as it isn't yet released
(it will be soon) for 
which I created this temporary interface to allow using it in a JSR-186
container as well, as long as a portal provides a propetairy mapping for
Jetspeed 2 does, and AFAIK, most other portals do as well, you just need
to find out how to map this for Liferay and provide (or use) their
proprietary api to 
handle it.

Secondly, you need also to provide an implementation of the Apache Portals
Bridges ServletContextProvider interface, see:

That I know Liferay already provides as I know it provides support for the
Apache Portals Struts Bridge which uses the same interface.
Note: this interface also is provided with the
portal-bridges-common-1.0.3.jar (and earlier).
BTW: this inteface also won't be needed anymore for proper JSR-286
containers. Once they are available I'll upgrade the Wicket Portlet
support to really work 
out-of-the-box and portal specific configurations won't be needed then.

The implementations of these two interfaces need to be provided to the
There are three ways of doing that, the simplest is providing a
WicketPortlet.properties file in the classpath under package 

The one I provide with Jetspeed 2 (out-of-the-box through a shared
library) contains the following:

   # Default Jetspeed-2 provided WicketPortlet ServletContextProvider and

Another way of defining these (maybe easier for testing) is providing them
as portlet init parameters (named "ServletContextProvider" and 
"PortletResourceURLFactory") or even as web.xml context param using their
full class name just as in the properties file.

Defining these through WicketPortlet.properties though will allow you to
keep this portal specific configuration out of your application and thus
be more portable.

Additionally, you will need to modify the wicket filter mapping in your
web.xml to support handling both direct requests as well include dispatch
requests, e.g.


Note: this requires at least a Servlet 2.4 descriptor just as in the
wicket-examples application.

Finally, in your portlet.xml, you need to define a portlet init-param
named "wicketFilterPath" with as value the url-pattern of your wicket
application, but 
without the trailing /*, e.g.:

     <description>Examples using wicket's built-in AJAX.</description>
       <title>Wicket Ajax Example</title>

As you will notice of the example above, I also defined support for all
possible mime-types (<mime-type>*/*</mime-type>), to support ResourceURLs
setting any 
mime-type they might need. This is just to ensure the portal/container
isn't going to complain if your ResourceURL handling is going to set an
mime-type. If you happen to know all possible mime-types before hand you
also can enumerate each of them, instead of simply allowing everything.

That should be all you need to do to get started.
Please let me know if you encounter any problems and also if you get
working just fine of course :)




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