<WARN>self promotion</WARN>

In the wicketstuff-jquery there is a date picker (based on jquery) that should 
(not tested I'm on linux) work on IE7.
You could download the examples war at (quicker than svn co + build only for 

Juha Alatalo wrote:

we are still using old DatePicker (PopupDatePicker in
wicket-contrib-datepicker) and found an error in following situation.

- Panel is invisible
- AjaxButton sets panel visible
- DatePicker (in that panel) doens't work when using IE 7

I created a simple example:
which contains two errors when using IE 7

Expected ';' (when pressing AjaxButton)
'Calendar._TT.DEF_DATE_FORMAT' is null or not an object (when pressing PopupDatePicker link)

- Juha

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