For now you can find the source/javadoc jars in the maven repository:


On 10/12/07, Korbinian Bachl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nice,
> however, is there a reason that there are no javadoc-jars included???
> I somehow miss this in the wicket releases... 3 nice folders containing
> the release-jars, the source-jars and the doc-jars.
> Regards
> Korbinian
> Frank Bille schrieb:
> > This is the fourth beta for Apache Wicket we have prepared for your
> > pleasure. It contains over 120 fixes to issues with previous releases
> and
> > todo items we have cleared.
> >
> > In this announcement:
> >
> > * Apache Wicket
> > * This release
> > ** Portlet support
> > * Migrating from 1.2
> > * Downloading the release
> > * Validating the release
> > * Reporting bugs
> >
> > Eager people click here to download the distribution, others can read
> > further:
> >
> >
> >
> > We thank you for your patience and support. Given the current list of
> > remaining issues and the fact that we have just accepted portlet support
> > back in, we think a fifth beta release is necessary. But that is no
> excuse
> > for not giving this fourth installment a test drive!
> >
> > The Wicket Team
> >
> > -= Apache Wicket =-
> >
> > Apache Wicket is a component oriented Java web application framework
> > currently undergoing incubation at the Apache Software foundation. With
> > proper mark-up/logic separation, a POJO data model, and a refreshing
> lack of
> > XML, Apache Wicket makes developing web-apps simple and enjoyable again.
> > Swap the boilerplate, complex debugging and brittle code for powerful,
> > reusable components written with plain Java and HTML.
> >
> > Our migration to a top level project is now completed and you can find
> our
> > website and documentation here:
> >
> >
> >
> > -= This release =-
> >
> > This release is the fourth in a series of beta releases until we feel
> > confident to finalize Wicket 1.3. This is called a beta because we don't
> > have fixed all bugs, and probably haven't found them all either.
> >
> > -- Portlet support --
> >
> > A new feature in this beta4 release is the merge of Ate Douma's portlet
> > branch into trunk. This reintroduces portlet support in Wicket.
> >
> >
> >
> > -= Migrating from 1.2 =-
> >
> > If you are coming from Wicket 1.2, you really want to read our migration
> > guide, found on the wiki:
> >
> >
> >
> > -= Downloading the release =-
> >
> > You can download the release from the official Apache mirror system, and
> you
> > can find it through the following link:
> >
> >
> >
> > For the Maven and Ivy fans out there: update your pom's to the
> following,
> > and everything will be downloaded automatically:
> >
> >     <dependency>
> >         <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId>
> >         <artifactId>wicket</artifactId>
> >         <version>1.3.0-beta4</version>
> >     </dependency>
> >
> > Substitute the artifact ID with the projects of your liking to get the
> other
> > projects.
> >
> > Please note that we don't prescribe a Logging implementation for SLF4J.
> You
> > need to specify yourself which one you prefer. Read more about SLF4J
> here:
> >
> >
> > -= Validating the release =-
> >
> > The release has been signed by Frank Bille, your release manager for
> today.
> > The public key can be found in the KEYS file in the download area.
> Download
> > the KEYS file only from the Apache website.
> >
> >
> >
> > Instructions on how to validate the release can be found here:
> >
> >
> >
> > -= Reporting bugs =-
> >
> > In case you do encounter a bug, we would appreciate a report in our
> >
> >
> >
> > -= The distribution =-
> >
> > In the distribution you will find a README. The README contains
> instructions
> > on how to build from source yourself and a list of all things that have
> been
> > fixed, added and/or removed since the first beta release.
> >
> >
> > -= Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.3.0-beta4 =-
> >
> > ** Bug
> >     * [WICKET-349] - ListView can't undo changes to model
> >     * [WICKET-470] - AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior won't work for
> > RadioChoices
> >     * [WICKET-497] - For stateless mounted page incorrect url is
> generated
> >     * [WICKET-520] - Escape doesn't work for AjaxEditableLabel in
> Firefox
> >     * [WICKET-572] - replacing tr using ajax does not work in safari
> >     * [WICKET-611] - AbstractRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy ignores
> query
> > parameters if there is no parameter in the path
> >     * [WICKET-631] - Resource.getParameters() empty when resource is
> mounted
> >     * [WICKET-635] - FormTester Does Not Properly Handle DropDownChoice
> With
> > Null Model
> >     * [WICKET-640] - modal window close button does not cancel the event
> > after closing the window
> >     * [WICKET-685] - ReloadingWicketFilter not working with markup
> > inheritance
> >     * [WICKET-705] - StringValue javadoc incorrect regrading conversion
> to
> > checked exception
> >     * [WICKET-707] - Invoking a request listener on a page returns an
> > Expired Error page
> >     * [WICKET-722] - IndicatingAjaxFallbackLink does not remove
> indicator if
> > the link itself is added via ajax
> >     * [WICKET-728] - WicketTester could not handle Multipart form
> without
> > upload
> >     * [WICKET-735] - SqlTimestampConverter and it's Date and Time
> friends
> > die on null and other breakage.
> >     * [WICKET-745] - AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior triggered more than
> expected
> > after a new Ajax rendering
> >     * [WICKET-756] - FormComponent.getValue uses equals instead of == to
> > compare NO_RAW_INPUT
> >     * [WICKET-775] - Buggy behaviour in FormComponentPanel.setRequired
> > (boolean)
> >     * [WICKET-782] - Select doesn't validate 'Required'
> >     * [WICKET-796] - setresponsepage() does not properly redirect from
> ajax
> > requests
> >     * [WICKET-807] - MockHttpServletRequest.addFile does not work with
> > binary files
> >     * [WICKET-819] - DefaultButtonImageResource's fontAttributes field
> isn't
> > serializable
> >     * [WICKET-824] - Session id encoding problem in cookie-less mode
> >     * [WICKET-826] - No scrolling behaviour of source code viewer in IE
> 6
> >     * [WICKET-836] - feedback panels not being updated when inside
> repeaters
> >     * [WICKET-842] - <html wicket:id="html"> is broken again...
> >     * [WICKET-846] - Javadocs for
> > AbstractDefaultAjaxBehaviorPrecondition#getSuccessScript() and
> > #getPreconditionScript() are swapped
> >     * [WICKET-849] - Bad multiple select display with DatePicker and
> ajax
> > debug
> >     * [WICKET-851] - WicketTester unusable after subsequent
> startPage(Page)
> > call
> >     * [WICKET-856] - add dependency slf4j-log4j12 to wicket-quickstart
> >     * [WICKET-864] - HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL() missing in
> > WicketFilter
> >     * [WICKET-869] - Back button processing doesn't work in Opera
> >     * [WICKET-870] - ignore white space in web.xml filter, filtermapping
> >     * [WICKET-871] - Markup hirarchy gets messed up when value
> of  attribute
> > 'background' is a relative path
> >     * [WICKET-872] - Typo in
> > org.apache.wicket.markup.html.tree.res.tree.jscauses AJAX tree node
> > addition failures
> >     * [WICKET-874] - Reloading servlet doing way too much reloading
> >     * [WICKET-877] - stateless page + form + bookmark = trouble
> >     * [WICKET-878] - IllegalStateException accessing Session.get() from
> own
> > Resource implementation
> >     * [WICKET-881] - AbstractChoice not taking into account html escape
> > settings
> >     * [WICKET-882] - RefreshingView should call super.onBeforeRenderafter
> > it refreshed it's items.
> >     * [WICKET-883] - Modification Watcher Task Log
> >     * [WICKET-885] - ResourceSettings#getStringResourceLoaders throws an
> > ArrayStoreException
> >     * [WICKET-886] - InlineFrame with null PageMap raises exception
> >     * [WICKET-887] - Unable to find InlineFrames when inside ListViews
> >     * [WICKET-889] - Automatic multi-window support drops URL fragment
> > identifier
> >     * [WICKET-890] - Modal window causes session expires
> >     * [WICKET-892] - RefreshingView only gets rendered when TreeTable
> node
> > is opened twice
> >     * [WICKET-893] - Relative urls are broken if there is a + in
> parameter
> >     * [WICKET-894] - setStripComments corrupts other HTML tags
> >     * [WICKET-895] - If a form includes a DataTable with
> AjaxEditableLabels
> > and the form should be refresh an exception occurs when a user switches
> > between a changed label to another
> >     * [WICKET-896] - wrong redirect BrowserInfoPage and mounted Pages
> >     * [WICKET-897] - WicketSessionFilter doesn't work with 1.3
> >     * [WICKET-899] - Authentication example fails with
> "PasswordTextField
> > does not support cookies"
> >     * [WICKET-903] - WicketServlet no longer sets application on current
> > thread
> >     * [WICKET-906] - It is impossible to inject primitives
> >     * [WICKET-908] - There is no way to specify what exceptions to log
> in
> > RequestCycle
> >     * [WICKET-909] - onBeforeRender not called on ModalWindow contents
> >     * [WICKET-913] - PopupCloseLink broken with REDIRECT_TO_RENDER
> strategy
> >     * [WICKET-914] - Tree not "redrawn" when resetting root node
> >     * [WICKET-922] - Inconsistent use of Button vs.
> IFormSubmittingComponent
> >     * [WICKET-923] - Back button browser problem and ajax
> >     * [WICKET-929] - ExceptionErrorPage only works with WebResponse
> >     * [WICKET-934] - textfield strings are not trimmed when performing
> > validation (conversion).
> >     * [WICKET-935] - AbstractRepeater#onBeforeRender should not be final
> >     * [WICKET-936] - Wicket:message texts do not change when session
> locale
> > chages.
> >     * [WICKET-937] - Wicket Contrib Date Picker Not Picking Up Date
> Properly
> > In CompoundPropertyModel
> >     * [WICKET-938] - Second and subsequent ajax component updates fail
> in
> > Safari
> >     * [WICKET-946] - WebRequestCodingStrategy is not synchronized
> >     * [WICKET-951] - the javadoc of FormComponent.updateModel() states:
> "..
> > it expect
> >
> >> that the object is already converted through the convert() call", but
> > FormComponent.updateModel() documentation bug
> >     * [WICKET-954] - Default button does not provide button name
> >     * [WICKET-956] - Bug In Wicket Listing Using DataTables
> >     * [WICKET-960] - FilteredAbstractColumn unary constructor expects
> Model
> > instead of IModel
> >     * [WICKET-965] - ReloadingWicketFilter gives ClassCastException with
> > page hierarchy involved
> >     * [WICKET-973] - setRenderAllowed not called in Tree items
> >     * [WICKET-974] - Image#getResource always returns null even if there
> is
> > a resource
> >     * [WICKET-976] - IndexedParamUrlCodingStrategy chokes inside
> > appendParameters() on Stateless forms
> >     * [WICKET-977] - Static Pages -> Passing URI to a Wicket page == 404
> > Error
> >     * [WICKET-978] - in quickstart archetype uses old
> > wicket package name
> >     * [WICKET-981] - NPE in Component.remove(final IBehavior behavior)
> >     * [WICKET-984] - MockWebApplication should use PageFactory from
> given
> > WebApplication.
> >     * [WICKET-985] - AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable in a border fails
> >     * [WICKET-987] - Stripping javascript comments and whitespace breaks
> > application when using prototype library
> >     * [WICKET-990] - Localizer complains about component not being added
> to
> > the page when the component is a page
> >     * [WICKET-993] - wicket:enclosure doesn't work with multiple child
> > components
> >     * [WICKET-994] - Ajax requests may happen before DOM is ready
> >     * [WICKET-997] - AjaxButton using null as the form in the onSubmit()
> > callback
> >     * [WICKET-999] - DynamicWebResource function as StaticResource
> >     * [WICKET-1001] - Misleading  EnclosureResolver javadoc and wiki
> >     * [WICKET-1013] - spring component injection leads to
> deserialization
> > error (or page expiration)
> >     * [WICKET-1016] - ExternalLink doesn't use model
> >     * [WICKET-1027] - Form.appendDefaultButtonField() appends invalid
> >     * [WICKET-1036] - Session size is constantly increasing on
> > setResponsePage(getPage())
> >     * [WICKET-1042] - setResponsePage(PageClass) doesn't take current
> > pagemap into account
> >     * [WICKET-1046] - FeedbackMessages don't get cleaned up in an AJAX
> > request when renderstrategy is REDIRECT_TO_RENDER
> >     * [WICKET-1050] - MarkupParser.removeComment() does not properly
> parse
> > to end of HTML comment
> >
> > ** Improvement
> >     * [WICKET-544] - Refactor duplicate code into ConversionException
> >     * [WICKET-604] - 'Wicket.Channel' name is not accessible in ajax
> related
> > classes
> >     * [WICKET-646] - Do not throw an error when image not found while
> > testing
> >     * [WICKET-669] - AjaxEditableLabel needs Model for adding a
> IValidator
> >     * [WICKET-771] - Provide ResourceReference with ID attribute for
> > filtering multiple includes
> >     * [WICKET-780] - Internal server error 500 unresolvable in Ajax
> Debug
> > Window
> >     * [WICKET-795] - Easy access to final rendered page source
> >     * [WICKET-800] - PropertyVariableInterpolator should support
> escaping of
> > the string '${'
> >     * [WICKET-843] - improve API documentation for getStatelessHint()
> method
> > in org.apache.wicket.Component
> >     * [WICKET-845] - Label constructor
> >     * [WICKET-853] - Repaired invalid HTML markup produced by
> FilterToolbar
> >     * [WICKET-854] - ModalWindow.setTitle needs to accept a model
> >     * [WICKET-879] - reduce code in DatePicker.js (because it can be
> loaded
> > multiple times per page)
> >     * [WICKET-880] - Option to align DatePicker to the left of icon
> >     * [WICKET-898] - JS namespace pollution in wicket-extensions
> >     * [WICKET-900] - [Patch]Allow to set a custom css to the calendar
> >     * [WICKET-907] - FeedbackMessage SUCCESS level?
> >     * [WICKET-927] - Deprecate Fragment constructors that dont take a
> markup
> > provider
> >     * [WICKET-941] - Patch to fix layout and positioning issues for the
> > maven generated wicket site
> >     * [WICKET-955] - Make wizard work with default button
> >     * [WICKET-961] - Add variables to ConversionException
> >     * [WICKET-962] - Ajax updates do not work on Components with wicket
> id
> > that is not \d+ when within AbstractRepeater/RepeatingView
> >     * [WICKET-964] - provide direct access on output stream in resources
> >     * [WICKET-970] - Wicket Javadoc Standardization:
> > org.apache.wicket.validation.*
> >     * [WICKET-971] - Wicket Javadoc Standardization:
> >
> >     * [WICKET-986] - Wicket Javadoc Standardization:
> > org.apache.wicket.util.value
> >     * [WICKET-998] - Remove obsolete attribute modifier
> >     * [WICKET-1000] - Wicket Javadoc Standardization:
> org.apache.wicket.time
> >     * [WICKET-1004] - Label associated with an open/close tag should
> still
> > work
> >     * [WICKET-1009] - russian resource files
> >     * [WICKET-1034] - Allow Custom Javascript on AJAX Busy Indication
> >     * [WICKET-1041] - Fix a TODO for 1.3 at
> AjaxFormSubmitBehavior.onError()
> >     * [WICKET-1044] - Clarification of when children are added to
> Component
> > tree for TabbedPanel
> >
> > ** New Feature
> >     * [WICKET-480] - IHeaderResponse.renderOnUnLoadJavascript(String
> > javascript);
> >     * [WICKET-806] - add month/year selection
> >     * [WICKET-832] - [Patch] add a UrlValidator
> >     * [WICKET-930] - Wrap Guice-Injector with proxying for Objects
> >     * [WICKET-939] - Make org.apache.wicket.markup.html.image work with
> ajax
> > by adding either random or autoindex or??
> >     * [WICKET-944] - ehcache based MarkupCache (1.3)
> >     * [WICKET-979] - Wants yahoo calendar to be displayed on page by
> default
> > (ie no popup)
> >     * [WICKET-983] - Merge the portlet support branch into the trunk
> >     * [WICKET-1030] - add support for CalendarGroup
> >     * [WICKET-1031] - add facilities to execute javascript code to
> further
> > customize the YUI Calendar
> >
> >
> >
> > ** Task
> >     * [WICKET-858] - warning note when using DefaultDataTable
> >     * [WICKET-1023] - Release Wicket 1.3.0-beta4
> >
> >
> >
> > ** Wish
> >     * [WICKET-804] - Need a "Getting Started/Creating a new Wicket
> project"
> > guide
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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