I think I found the reason:
     * If it's an ajax request we always redirect.
     * @see org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle#isRedirect()
    public final boolean isRedirect()
        if (getWebRequest().isAjax())
            return true;
            return super.isRedirect();

This is inside WebRequestCycle.  Can someone explain why if it's an ajax
request it's always a redirect?

On 10/15/07, Adam Koch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having a problem with the feedback panel in conjunction with the
> AjaxButton and setResponsePage(). There are two pages, a home page and a sub
> page. When the user submits a form successfully on the sub page, I would
> like the home page to display with an informational message.
> Here is some code:
> // my form
> add(new AjaxButton("submitButton", this) {
>     protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
>       // nothing, want the form submit to do the work
>     }
>     protected void onError(...) {
>       // refresh the feedback panel without refreshing any page
> });
> protected void onSubmit() {
>     info("successful!");
>     setRedirect(false);
>     setResponsePage(HomePage.class);
> }
> What happens is the new page is displayed, but the info message isn't.
> If I use a regular Button, this works, but then I don't get the Ajax
> validation of the form.
> And if I don't set the response page to another page, then this also
> works. (Well, maybe not _that_ code, but the feedback can be refreshed with
> an info message.)
> Can anybody help me? I'm not sure what else I can do to debug this.
> Thanks,
> Adam

Adam A. Koch

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