I have a form like this -

Name:  [.....]
Zip:      [.....]
City:     [.....]
State:   [.....]


On filling the zip i want to auto populate the city and state. I can attach
a AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior to the zip field and do this. But I
don't want to update the zip model, so i plan to have my version of
AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior and 'not' update the model. I can possibly
get the user entered value from the convertedInput.

But I don't want to want to update the city and the state model either to
auto-populate the fields.

Basically I want to hold off on the model updates until somebody clicks the
save button.

Can i set the converted input on a component and get it to refresh through
I know that I can do this through javascript ($(fieldId).value = ''blah
blah')and add it to AjaxTarget. But i was wondering if i can just work with
components (do setConvertedInput / something) and then add it to Ajaxtarget
and make it work?

-- karthik --

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