if some of your pages are predictable you could just have a "masterpage" using parameters, and making that bookmarkable.. Like this:


This will give the parameter called products with the value toys to the master page you could then redirect appropaitely..

or this:


eek lousy spelling today..

martinf wrote:

basically yes. Depending on your package structure one of the other 'mount'
implementations in WebApplication might be of help to you.
About the performace I can't say much. But 500 path/Page associations
doesn't sound too scary in my ears. At least worth a try.


BatiB80 wrote:

thanks for the answer, I tried it out and it seems to be working. But one
more question on this:
If I have 500 pages in my webapplication, would this mean, that I have to
call the method:
   mountBookmarkablePage("/somelink", SomePage.class);

500 times during the initialisation of my application. If yes, what is the
limit of having such bookmarks?
Thanks, Sebastian

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