

We're looking into moving our presentation layer over to Wickets, and I'm 
creating a mockup of our current web interface to see how it works. So far I'm 
quite pleased, but I have an issue with borders.


I'm trying to create a navigation border similar to the Navomatic example on 
the wicket page, but I'm having a problem there. The error message is:


WicketMessage: Unable to find component with id 'personaliaPanel' in 
[MarkupContainer [Component id = _body, page = com.visma.HomePage, path = 
0:tabPanel:panel:personaliaBorder:_body.Border$BorderBodyContainer, isVisible = 
true, isVersioned = true]]. This means that you declared 
wicket:id=personaliaPanel in your markup, but that you either did not add the 
component to your page at all, or that the hierarchy does not match.
[markup = 
<html xmlns:wicket>
      <span wicket:id="personaliaBorder">
      <span wicket:id="personaliaPanel">personaliaForm goes here</span>
      <span wicket:id="skillsPanel">skillsPanel goes here</span>
      <span wicket:id="feedback">Feedback panel here</span>
  , index = 5, current = '<span wicket:id="personaliaPanel">' (line 7, column 


This is in my PersonData.html file, but personaliaPanel is declared in 
PersonData.java. Works fine until I tuck in the PersonaliaBorder. Java and HTML 
file are as follows:


package com.visma;


import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.border.Border;

import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.border.BoxBorder;




 * @author alexanderlk


public class PersonaliaBorder extends Border


      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


      public PersonaliaBorder( String id )


            super( id );

            add( new BoxBorder("myBorder"));






<html xmlns:wicket>



      <span wicket:id="myBorder">








This looks quite similar to the Navomatic example, just without the navigation 
part. I must be doing something wrong, but I can't quite figure out what it is.


The other thing I'm wondering about is if there's an easy way to just tell a 
component to be surrounded by a BoxBorder. Seems you have to use 
setComponent(..), but then you have to define a border with an html to go along 
with it. I just want to add a thin border around a panel or somesuch.





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