
I would like to use Wicket authentication, as in the examples.
So I modified the Wicket QuickStart project to use authentication, like this:

public class WicketApplication extends AuthenticatedWebApplication {

   public WicketApplication() {

   public Class getHomePage() {
      return HomePage.class;

   protected Class<? extends WebPage> getSignInPageClass() {
      return LoginPage.class;

   protected Class<? extends AuthenticatedWebSession> getWebSessionClass() {
      return WicketSession.class;

public class WicketSession extends AuthenticatedWebSession {

   public WicketSession(AuthenticatedWebApplication application, Request 
request) {
      super(application, request);

   public boolean authenticate(String arg0, String arg1) {
      return false; // should block everybody

   public Roles getRoles() {
      return null;

HomePage.html has:
<a href="#" wicket:id="goto-admin">Admin page</a>

public class HomePage extends WebPage {

   public HomePage(final PageParameters parameters) {
      add(new PageLink("goto-admin", AdminPage.class));

LoginPage.html has:
<span wicket:id="signInPanel" />

public final class LoginPage extends SignInPage {

And finally, the admin page to protect:

public class AdminPage extends WebPage {

The problem is that a click from the HomePage always brings the AdminPage, 
without any 
LoginPage displayed.

I used Wicket 1.3 beta4.

After reading the Wicket example and 2 tutorials on authentication, I really 
can't see what I'm missing.
Any idea ?


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