Hi Jan,

not sure if Sven or I can come up with something tonight,
but it won't be forgotten.



Jan Stette schrieb:
Some more information after looking further into this - it looks like I'm
seeing the same problem as mentioned in this thread:

It only occurs when a Google Map is added via an AJAX request to a page that
previously had no Google maps on it.

It's easy to reproduce the same problem in the "Many" example in
wicket-contrib-gmap2-examples, by commenting out the call to addPanel() at
the end of the ManyPage constructor, line 42 in ManyPage.java.  Normally
this example starts with a single Google map on the page and adds more when
the user clicks an AjaxFallbackLink.  When this line is commented out, the
page starts up with no maps on it, and will fail to add more when the user
clicks the link.

In Firefox, the error is an "uncaught exception: Permission denied to call
method XMLHttpRequest.open", but this is only visible when I have the
Firebug debugger enabled.  The Ajax link stops working after this error

In Konqueror, it shows up as a JavaScript error with code 304, and renders
the rest of the page, but the maps aren't drawn, presumably because the
XmlHttpRequests are blocked here as well.  Subsequent Ajax requests work OK
here though.

Is this a bug in the gmap2 component that could be addressed?


On 05/11/2007, Jan Stette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've just started playing with wicket-contrib-gmap2 but I'm having a bit
of a problem:

When I try to create a simple map inside my Wicket application, I get an
exception in Firefox saying:
  "uncaught exception: Permission denied to call method

I've had a look at issues surrounding security restrictions in Javascript
and I understand that Firefox will block XMLHttpRequests to hosts other than
where the page came from.  I've also seen a few workarounds such as running
proxies for the XML-HTTP requests.  Does gmap2 deal with these issues in any
way?  I suspect I'm missing something, as when I run the gmap2 examples in a
local Tomcat, everything works fine...

One additional question: after I get the above JavaScript exception, the
other AJAX controls on the same page seem to stop working as well - is this
something that Wicket ought to be handling better?  (I'm running Wicket
1.3 beta 4, with the head version of gmap2 built against this).


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