Hi Joshua,

One point to note might be that the 'traditional' Wicket advice for
using a Servlet mapping was not to use the root context "/*" but
rather use a sub mapping, e.g. "/app/*", which leaves you with the
option of having static files not having to be served by Wicket.  You
can always put a index.html that does a meta-redirect to "/app/" in
the root folder if needed.

Another thing would be to search the mailing list (e,g, via Nabble -
http://www.nabble.com/Apache-Wicket-f13974.html) for any WAS-specific
issues, as I believe there have been some come by...


On 09 November 2007, 8:36:10 AM, Joshua Jackson wrote:
JJ> Thanks Eelco. I already did that.

JJ> It worked with StatelessLink and StatelessForm. Anyway is there any
JJ> issue if we use WicketServlet instead of WicketFilter as such:
JJ>         <servlet>
JJ>                 <servlet-name>wicket.wicket</servlet-name>
JJ> <servlet-class>org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketServlet</servlet-class>
JJ>                 <init-param>
JJ>                         <param-name>applicationClassName</param-name>
JJ> <param-value>com.aig.lab.wicket.web.WicketApplication</param-value>
JJ>                 </init-param>
JJ>                 <init-param>
JJ>                 <param-name>applicationFactoryClassName</param-name>
JJ>             </init-param>
JJ>             <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
JJ>         </servlet>
JJ>         <servlet-mapping>
JJ>                 <servlet-name>wicket.wicket</servlet-name>
JJ>                 <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
JJ>         </servlet-mapping>

JJ> Since my spring will be started using ContextLoaderServlet because
JJ> ContextLoaderListener doesn't work in WAS 5


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