On Thu, 08 Nov 2007, Toscano wrote:
>  IModel regionModelChoices = new AbstractReadOnlyModel()
>         {
>             public Object getObject(Component component)
>             {
>                if (professionalInfo.getCountryWork()!=null)
>                      regions =
> getRegionDaoInterface().getRegions(professionalInfo.getCountryWork().getCountryID());

You could extract a method of that monster :)
For example private boolean selectedCountryHasRegions(), or
even professionalInfo.getCountryWork().hasRegions(getRegionDao());

>                   if (regions.size()==0)
>                            regionWork.setEnabled(false);
>                else
>                            regionWork.setEnabled(true);

And instead of testing for size == 0 call isEmpty(), and the
formatting here is kind of unconventional as well (Eclipse
3.3 has the nice new possibility of adding Save actions such
as reformat code).

>           regionWork  = new DropDownChoice("regionWork", new Model(),
> regionModelChoices,
>           new ChoiceRenderer("regionName", "regionID"));
>           regionWork.setOutputMarkupId(true);A

regionWork = new DropDownChoice(...) {
    public boolean isEnabled() {
        return selectedCountryHasRegions();

or it it doesn't work

regionWork = new DropDownChoice(...) {
    public void onBeforeRender() {

Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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