I'd like to join Johan and thank Arjé again for organizing this event. This
was awesome.
I'd also like to thank the main sponsors:

   - func <http://func.nl>
   - hippo <http://www.hippo.nl/>
   - servoy <http://servoy.com>
   - topicus <http://www.topicus.nl>

Without their support this event wouldn't have been possible. I'd also like
to extend my gratitude to sourcesense <http://sourcesense.nl> for sponsoring
the drinks after the talks.

I loved the talks and enjoyed talking to all of you!

Until next year!!!!!


On Dec 1, 2007 1:38 AM, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The number of people that eventually really attended was really high, and
> i
> enjoyed it a lot.
> Special thx to Arjé for organizing it in this way, if you have a wicket
> feature request tell me! ;)
> johan

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