Hi Andrew,

So what's actually happening? Anything? Exceptions or does the image just
stay the same?

On 05/12/2007, Andrew Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a page, which includes a drop down choice box, and a panel (with
> a
> list of images).
> The drop down box holds an id (which ties back to a list of images), what
> I'm wanting to be able to do is that if the user changes the drop down
> choice, the panel refreshes via ajax with the new images.
> Here's a few snippets of code:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> //insert the image preview panel
> final ImagePreviewPanel imagePreviewPanel = new
> ImagePreviewPanel("imagePreviewPanel", generalPage.getImageCollectionId
> ());
> imagePreviewPanel.setOutputMarkupId(true);
> form.add(imagePreviewPanel);
> form.setOutputMarkupId(true);
> //add the OnChange for the ajax call
> OnChangeAjaxBehavior onChangeAjaxBehavior = new OnChangeAjaxBehavior(){
>             protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>                 FormComponent fc = getFormComponent();
>                 fc.getForm();
>                 GeneralPage aGeneralPage = (GeneralPage)
> fc.getForm().getModelObject();
>                 //get the drop down image collection id
>                 if (aGeneralPage.getImageCollectionOption() != null){
>                         String keyValue =
> aGeneralPage.getImageCollectionOption().getKey();
>                         imagePreviewPanel.setImageCollectionId(new
> Long(aGeneralPage.getImageCollectionOption().getKey()));
>                 }
>                 target.addComponent(imagePreviewPanel);
>             }
>         };
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Then I've got the panel (which I've cut down on the details here to make
> it
> a bit easier to understand)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> public class ImagePreviewPanel extends Panel
> {
>         private Long imageCollectionId;
>         private String galleryCounterText = "";
>         private List imageList = new ArrayList();
>         public ImagePreviewPanel(final String componentId, Long
> anImageCollectionId){
>                 super(componentId);
>                 //set up the instance variable from the constructor
>                 setImageCollectionId(anImageCollectionId);
>                 //now add the image previews
>                 //first get the images if there are any
>                 ImageCollection imageCollection =
> imageCollectionDao.findByImageCollectionId(imageCollectionId);
>                 WebMarkupContainer dataImagecontainer = new
> WebMarkupContainer("dataimage");
>                 dataImagecontainer.setOutputMarkupId(true);
>                 add(dataImagecontainer);
>                 //display the total number of images in the list
>                 galleryCounterText = imageCollection.getImages().size();
>                 add(new Label("galleryCounter",new PropertyModel(this,
> "galleryCounterText")).setOutputMarkupId(true));
>                 //get the collection of images from the imageCollection
> object
>                 imageList = imageCollection.getImages();
>                 final PageableListView imageView;
>                 dataImagecontainer.add(imageView = new
> PageableListView("galleryList", new
> CompoundPropertyModel(imageList), 20){
>                         public void populateItem(final ListItem listItem){
>                                 final Image image =
> (Image)listItem.getModelObject();
>                                 //set up default image element description
>                                 String imageElementDescription = new
> StringResourceModel("noImageElementDescription", this, null).getString();
>                                 //set up image element description if a
> better one exists
>                                 StaticImage staticImage = new
> StaticImage("previewImage",
> image.getImageHref());
>                                 staticImage.setOutputMarkupId(true);
>                                 listItem.add(staticImage);
>                         }
>                 });
>                 imageView.setOutputMarkupId(true);
>         }
>         public Long getImageCollectionId() {
>                 return imageCollectionId;
>         }
>         public void setImageCollectionId(Long imageCollectionId) {
>                 this.imageCollectionId = imageCollectionId;
>         }
> }
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The only thing is, don't feel like I've got my head completely around the
> wicket models and I'm having trouble working out what I need to do to the
> page and panel to get the panel to refresh via ajax.
> Sorry for the amount of code, but it's the only way I think to try and
> describe what I've currently got.
> Thanks
> Andrew
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/Using-ajax-to-update-a-panel-tf4949239.html#a14170394
> Sent from the Wicket - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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