Great. See you at 7pm.

Best regards,


Orion Letizi wrote:

No worries. Since this is the first wicket meetup in San Francisco, I'd like to do it anyway to get the ball rolling. If you can make it, that would be awesome, even if you don't want to do a formal presentation. A number of people have expressed interest in just talking to a Wicket expert. Eelco has kindly offered to step in via videoconference if you can't make it, but having someone physically here would be great.

There have actually been a few more people who have replied to me personally that haven't put themselves on the wiki. There should also be some folks from Terracotta there who would like to learn more about Wicket.

I expect the next meetup to be more organized with an agenda of scheduled speakers, but I want to get something happening now before the initial local interest wanes. We've had interest from as far away as San Diego, so I think it's an important step just to get the first one started.


Al Maw-2 wrote:
 > Sorry, I've been pretty busy lately - I've not been checking the
 > wicket-users list every day. If you want to get hold of me in a hurry,
 > personal e-mail is a lot better. ;-)
 > This is all rather last minute - it looks like we'd only be perhaps four
 > people at best. I won't be very well prepared for a talk. Also, I'll be
 > back out here fairly soon, I'm sure. With at least nine people
 > potentially interested, maybe we should postpone this to a later date,
 > with a bit more planning and notice for everyone concerned?
 > If people are keen on pushing on with tomorrow regardless, I can make
 > it, but I'll need to know by 2pm.
 > Kind regards,
 > Al
 > Orion Letizi wrote:
>> It looks like this Thursday, Dec. 6 is the leading contender, especially
 >> if
>> Al Maw can give a presentation (haven't heard back from him yet, though). >> Otherwise, Eelco Hillenius has agreed to be there via teleconference, so
 >> there will be at least one Wicket expert available to answer the hard
 >> questions.
 >> Unless there are any objections, let's say Dec. 6th at 7:00 PM at the
 >> Terracotta offices:
 >> Terracotta
 >> 650 Townsend St., Suite 325
 >> San Francisco, CA 94107
 >> Cheers,
 >> Orion
 >> Orion Letizi wrote:
 >>> For anyone interested in a meetup in San Francisco, it looks like this
 >>> week might be best for two people and next week would be better for
 >>> one person.
 >>> I suppose we should vote.  I'll propose two dates:
 >>> Thurs. Dec. 6
 >>> Fri. Dec 14
 >>> Vote away...
 >>> --Orion
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