
This is more a question of understanding models and input of a particular
component, lets say DropDownChoice (DDC) for example.

You give it a model initially on creation, this has nothing to do with, in
the case of a DDC the selected values as that is supplied by the Choices
paramater in the constuctor.

So we now have a DDC configured.

A user comes along and selects a value, if we have and
AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior associated we see that the getModelObject
returns null as well as getConvertedInput but getInput actually has
something but it's in string form. Is this because we are intercepting the
event before the input is converted to the model?

Basically I'm never sure when to use which accessor and the trial and error
method that I have been using so far is starting to scare me. I guess the
lifecycle of model is what I really need to understand and googling hasn't
thrown up much. I have read the wiki article on models but it doesn't go
into details such as this...

Anyway, it will be a nice thing to not have nagging me over xmas!


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