On Dec 11, 2007 2:15 PM, Dan Kaplan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've scoured the internet to figure out how to integrate a GWT app inside a
> Wicket App.  I'm not getting very good results.  I also checked the mailing
> archives and didn't really find any technical advice on how to do this.

What specific problems have you encountered? My understanding is that
GWT runs much like an applet, and client server communication is done
using services that can be implemented in various ways. I don't think
GWT and Wicket should bite each other much here.

> First, I noticed a lot of the attitude towards GWT/Wicket is that you
> usually want to choose one or the other.  I disagree.  In fact, I think
> comparing GWT to Wicket is comparing apples and oranges.  GWT is a Toolkit,
> and Wicket is a Framework.  They both do different things and they're both
> very good at what they do.  Therefore, it's worthwhile to have GWT
> integration in wicket.

I guess most people just don't want to use two technologies with an
overlap. But no-one of the core team at least is against doing it. It
would be fun to hear from people who did that with success. I don't
see why it couldn't be done (but then again... I never actually

> That being said, I've also inferred from most of the Wicket + GWT
> conversations that the Wicket developers are trying to add some huge
> functionality to Wicket to allow you to place the a GWT app from your
> WebPage classes.  That may come in handy, but I'm not so sure that it's
> necessary.  I think the client side code that GWT requires could easily be
> added by hardcoding it in the markup and that would be good enough for most
> (myself included).  The part that's tricky to me is this section:
> http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/documentation/com.google.gwt.doc.Developer
> Guide.RemoteProcedureCalls.html

Yeah. Maybe we/ Wicket's users want to do things to neat/ generic. :-)

> Specifically, if you scroll down a little to the image, how do you get the
> right side to integrate with Wicket?  As you can see, GWT uses a
> RemoteServiceServlet if you want your GWT app to communicate with the
> server.  But the wicket philosophy seems like it tries to hide Servlets from
> the user.  So, in short, can anyone advise me on how to integrate a GWT app
> with Wicket?

I don't have much advise other then try to keep it simple and if it
works, it works.


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