yes! 1 to go, 1.3RC3, and try to promote that one as a final!


On Dec 13, 2007 1:34 PM, Frank Bille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is the second release candidate for Apache Wicket we have prepared
> for
> your pleasure. The number of issues fixed are decreasing as we are
> approaching the final release.
> In this announcement:
>   - Apache Wicket
>   - This release
>   - Migrating from 1.2
>   - Downloading the release
>   - Validating the release
>   - Reporting bugs
>   - The distribution
>   - Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.3.0-rc2
> Eager people click here to download the distribution, others can read
> further:
> We thank you for your patience and support.
> The Wicket Team
> Apache Wicket
> Apache Wicket is a component oriented Java web application framework. With
> proper mark-up/logic separation, a POJO data model, and a refreshing lack
> of
> XML, Apache Wicket makes developing web-apps simple and enjoyable again.
> Swap the boilerplate, complex debugging and brittle code for powerful,
> reusable components written with plain Java and HTML.
> Our migration to a top level project is now completed and you can find our
> website and documentation here:
> This release
> This release is the second in a series of release candidates releases
> until
> we feel confident to finalize Wicket 1.3. This is called a release
> candidate
> because we strive for API freeze. This means only bug fixes will be done
> on
> the 1.3 release from now on.
> But one "new" thing has sneaked into this release and that is a new design
> of the examples. This is done in association with the Google Highly Open
> Participation which Wicket is participating.
> Migrating from 1.2
> If you are coming from Wicket 1.2, you really want to read our migration
> guide, found on the wiki:
> Downloading the release
> You can download the release from the official Apache mirror system, and
> you
> can find it through the following link:
> For the Maven and Ivy fans out there: update your pom's to the following,
> and everything will be downloaded automatically:
> <dependency>
>    <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId>
>    <artifactId>wicket</artifactId>
>    <version>1.3.0-rc2</version>
> </dependency>
>  Substitute the artifact ID with the projects of your liking to get the
> other projects.
> Please note that we don't prescribe a Logging implementation for SLF4J.
> You
> need to specify yourself which one you prefer. Read more about SLF4J here:
> Validating the release
> The release has been signed by Frank Bille, your release manager for
> today.
> The public key can be found in the KEYS file in the download area.
> Download
> the KEYS file only from the Apache website.
> Instructions on how to validate the release can be found here:
> Reporting bugs
> In case you do encounter a bug, we would appreciate a report in our JIRA:
> The distribution
> In the distribution you will find a README. The README contains
> instructions
> on how to build from source yourself and a list of all things that have
> been
> fixed, added and/or removed since the first beta release.
> Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.3.0-rc2 Sub-task
>   - WICKET-682 <> -
>   Update documentation reflecting the move (Wiki?)
> Bug
>   - WICKET-609 <> -
>   Wicket should provide an easy method to generate absolute urls to
>   bookmarkable pages
>   - WICKET-745 <> -
>   AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior triggered more than expected after a new Ajax
>   rendering
>   - WICKET-1032 <> -
>   MarkupNotFoundException when fragment is rerendered during AJAX call
>   - WICKET-1066 <> -
>   Wicket-Ajax header always false with BaseWicketTester
>   - WICKET-1093 <> -
>   BaseWicketTester doesn't call detach() for AJAX requests
>   - WICKET-1129 <> -
>   ThreadLocal leak in new RequestContext code prevents clean undeploy of
>   Wicket application
>   - WICKET-1131 <> -
>   AjaxEditableLabel: defaultNullLabel() should really be a
>   defaultNullorEmptyLabel()
>   - WICKET-1135 <> -
>   XHTML validation failure for DatePicker
>   - WICKET-1139 <> -
>   Wicket html files do not have xml prolog
>   - WICKET-1148 <> -
>   AbstractTree utilizes Collections.EMPTY_LIST for a node's children
>   container which causes errors when adding children
>   - WICKET-1151 <> -
>   Time fields in DateTimeField not required also when required = true
>   - WICKET-1155 <> -
>   WebResponse.redirect(url) calls response.encodeRedirect(url) which is
>   formally not supported on JSR-168 and thus can result in a NPE
>   - WICKET-1158 <> -
>   DiskPageStore does not cleanup cache files after Web container restarts
>   - WICKET-1160 <> -
>   AjaxEditableLabel#setModel() is broken
>   - WICKET-1162 <> -
>   Use non-default namingPolicy when creating Proxies via CGLib
>   - WICKET-1172 <> -
>   FormComponentFeedbackIndicator and FormComponentFeedbackBorder is broken
>   - WICKET-1173 <> -
>   Border bodycontainer doesn't render a markup placeholder
>   - WICKET-1174 <> -
>   Wicket Tags confuse firefox on ajax request
>   - WICKET-1176 <> -
>   AjaxEditableLabel and AjaxMultiLineEditableLabel do not honour enabled
>   status
>   - WICKET-1186 <> -
>   Ajax Memory Leak in IE
>   - WICKET-1188 <> -
>   <wicket:enclosure child="xxx"> bug when located as first level son of a
> non
>   transparent border
>   - WICKET-1191 <> -
>   wicket-jmx ignores wicket.mbean.server.class property
>   - WICKET-1196 <> -
>   tag-namespace is not rendered for the markup placeholder tag
>   - WICKET-1198 <> -
>   NPE in IndexedHybridUrlCodingStrategy during encoding
>   - WICKET-1199 <> -
>   false positive or wrong unit tests unit tests when ajax is involved
>   - WICKET-1202 <> -
>   Wicket.Event getId() causes error in IE6
>   - WICKET-1209 <> -
>   WicketSessionFilter doesn't clean up the session thread local
> Improvement
>   - WICKET-1097 <> -
>   AjaxEditableLabel: Model change events not propagated from Editor
>   - WICKET-1102 <> -
>   Hello World example should use WicketFilter instead of WicketServlet
>   - WICKET-1136 <> -
>   Change log in Form.handleMultiPart() from error to warn
>   - WICKET-1142 <> -
>   Have <wicket:enclosure> check isRenderAllowed() to make it work in
>   combination with authorization
>   - WICKET-1145 <> -
>   Patch for allowing <input type="search"/> to be serialized
>   - WICKET-1147 <> -
> patch
>   - WICKET-1150 <> -
>   Allow 24 hours time field in DateTimeField
>   - WICKET-1159 <> -
>   IWrapModel implementations should implement detach method (calling the
>   wrapped model), Also AbstractWrapModel shouldn't have an empty detach
> method
>   (because it has to be implemented)
>   - WICKET-1171 <> -
>   Tolerate malformed If-Modified-Since header
>   - GHOP-ASF-12<
> >-
> Restyle the Wicket Examples
> New Feature
>   - WICKET-104 <> - Web
>   Testcase for quickstart application
>   - WICKET-1128 <> -
>   Option not to use localizer cache in development mode.

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