
reading the javadoc, I could note that
org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.form.DateTextField gets the
Locale if the developer does not supply one.  But that it is not true,
once that the simplest constructor, DateTextField(String wicketId),
calls the "most advanced" DataTextField(wicketId, null,
DEFAULT_PATTERN), with DEFAULT_PATTERN = "MM/dd/yy". In order to fix
that, what is the best approach?
Analyzing the code, getTextFormat() returns the pattern, and it is
used only by DatePicker. By the other hand, the code changed could be
minimized querying the DateFormat object with user's locale, cast it
for SimpleDateFormat and call toPattern for get the pattern.
Javadoc of DateFormat writes that is safe for most languages, so it is
an aproach. If this call fails, wicket could fallback to

Is this ok? How could it be fixed?
>  * Note that for use users locale, <code>java.text.DateFormat.getDateInstance()</code> must 
>  * return a <code>java.text.SimpleDateFormat</code> object, otherwise a pattern "MM/dd/yy"
>  * will be used.
>  * 
< 		this(id, null, DEFAULT_PATTERN);
> 		this(id, null, null);
< 		this(id, model, DEFAULT_PATTERN);
> 		this(id, model, null);
< 		this.datePattern = datePattern;
> 		if (datePattern == null) 
> 		{
> 			DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT,getLocale());
> 			//DateFormat writes that you can expect the instanceof below for most
> 			//countries
> 			if (df instanceof SimpleDateFormat) {
> 				this.datePattern = ((SimpleDateFormat) df).toPattern();
> 			} 
> 			else 
> 			{
> 				this.datePattern = DEFAULT_PATTERN;
> 			}
> 		} 
> 		else
> 		{
> 			this.datePattern = datePattern;
> 		}
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