Or you could use one of the security frameworks for wicket. They will
save you a lot of boilerplate coding and allow you to fix on what is
really important: your login page and your authentication mechanism.
The whole redirecting when a user is not logged in, checking for
sufficient permissions etc is handled for you.

May i suggest Swarm


On Jan 16, 2008 6:38 AM, Martin Makundi
> Ok. If I understand correctly, you need to detect authentication. One
> way to do this in wicket is to redirect the user to a Login page when
> authentication is missing.
> So:
> 1. User tries to access the secured page "StockQuote.class"
> 2. Wicket detects the user is not logged in and Redirects the user to
> "Login.class"
> 3. User logs in properly and Wicket redirects him back to "StockQuote.class"
> 4. If user fails login, something else happens.. that's up to you.
> I will copypaste here some snipplets (not all code included, only the
> essentials), which should get you going:
> public class MyApplication extends WebApplication {
>   /**
>    * @see wicket.protocol.http.WebApplication#init()
>    */
>   @Override
>   protected void init() {
>     super.init();
> getSecuritySettings().setAuthorizationStrategy(MyAuthorizationStrategy.getInstance());
> getSecuritySettings().setUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener(MyAuthorizationStrategy.getInstance());
>   }
> }
> :::::::::::::::::::
> public class MyAuthorizationStrategy extends
> AbstractPageAuthorizationStrategy implements
> IUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener {
>   /**
>    * @see 
> wicket.authorization.strategies.page.AbstractPageAuthorizationStrategy#isPageAuthorized(java.lang.Class)
>    */
>   @Override
>   protected boolean isPageAuthorized(Class pageClass) {
>     // Check if the page required authorized access
>     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>     boolean pageRequiresAuthentication =
> pageClass.isAnnotationPresent(AuthenticationRequired.class); // TODO
> You must create such annotation or devise other means of classifying
> pages.. it could also be simply just some kind of instanceof check if
> you want to be rigid
>     if (pageRequiresAuthentication) {
>       @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>       return 
> MyApplication.getSession().isAuthorized(authorizationRequired.emailConfirmationRequired());
>     }
>     return true;
>   }
>   /**
>    * @see 
> wicket.authorization.IUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener#onUnauthorizedInstantiation(wicket.Component)
>    */
>   public void onUnauthorizedInstantiation(Component component) {
>     throw new RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException(Login.class); //
> If login fails, redirect to login
>   }
> }
> :::::::::::::::::
> public class Login extends WebPage {
>         public Login() {
>     final Form loginForm = new Form(LOGIN_FORM, new Model());
>     final TextField userIdField;
>     {
>       userIdField = new TextField(USER_ID, new Model());
>       userIdField.setRequired(true);
>       loginForm.add(userIdField);
>     }
>                 {
>             rememberMe = new CheckBox("rememberMe", new Model());
>             loginForm.add(rememberMe);
>                 }
>                 final PasswordTextField passwdField;
>     {
>       passwdField = new PasswordTextField(PASSWORD, new Model());
>       passwdField.setResetPassword(false);
>       loginForm.add(passwdField);
>     }
>     {
>       SubmitLink loginButton = new SubmitLink(LOGIN_BUTTON, new Model()) {
>         /**
>          * @see org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.SubmitLink#onSubmit()
>          */
>         @Override
>         public void onSubmit() {
>           super.onSubmit();
>           String userAlias = userIdField.getValue();
>           String encryptedPassword;
>           {
>             String password = passwdField.getValue();
>             encryptedPassword =
> MyAuthorizationStrategy.encryptValue(PASSWORD_ENCRYPTION_KEY,
> password);
>           }
>           User user = LoginTransactions.getInstance().login(userAlias,
> encryptedPassword, Boolean.parseBoolean(rememberMe.getValue()));
>           if (user != null) {
>             // TODO Check if the user is allowed to login
>             MyApplication.getSession().setUser(user);
>             if (!continueToOriginalDestination()) { // This will try
> to send the user to the restricted page after login (if the user was
> originally going there)
>               setResponsePage(MembersArea.class); // Else, if there is
> no default location, you need to brobably just select something..
>             }
>           } else {
>             // Acknowledge wrong password
>             info("Wrong password.");
>           }
>         }
>       };
>       loginForm.add(loginButton);
>     }
>     add(new FeedbackPanel("feedback"));
>                 add(loginForm);
>         }
> }
> ::::::::::
> That should get you kickstarted?
> **
> Martin
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