You can add a parameter to the JVM to dump the memory when the server goes
OOM. This dump is readable by any tool, such as yourkit, jprofiler or the
netbeans profiler if I remember correctly.
-XXdumpheaponoutofmemoryerror (or something similar).

Another option is to use a profiler in your dev environment, or a
production-similar environment and run a jmeter script that simulates users.
You can then create memory dumps and analyze them for leaks.


On 1/25/08, Thomas Singer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Our Wicket-1.3.0-based website running on Tomcat 5.5.23 regularly dies
> after
> approx. 2 weeks with an OutOfMemoryError. Please excuse my ignorance, but
> we
> don't have any experience in profiling/stress testing web applications.
> What
> particular steps we could do to detect memory leaks? Thanks in advance for
> your help.
> Tom
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