Question on detachable models:

You use detachable models in the contact edit page. It seems like this would cause your changes to be lost if the edit process takes more than one request to complete.

If you use the no-arg constructor, the loadableDetachableModel creates a new contact at the beginning of every request. If you enter a name that's too long, a validation message is displayed. Then the detach() is called on the model, and a new Contact is loaded on the next request, erasing your temporary changes.

I may well be misunderstanding something, I'm fairly new to this stuff. It seems that for edit pages you want a non-detachable model, which gets serialized to the session.

Thanks for taking the time to write this article, and thanks in advance for any clarification on this topic.

Sam Barnum
360 Works

On Jan 28, 2008, at 11:02 AM, Nick Heudecker wrote:

It's finally up:

Thanks to the various reviewers that helped improve both the content and quality of the article, including Martijn, Eelco, Igor, Gerolf and Talios.

Nick Heudecker
Professional Wicket Training & Consulting

Eventful - Intelligent Event Management

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