Hi edvin, pictures are not my only goal, I would like to serve compressed js
and css also, and to take advantage of wicket resource caching (http header
generation). Anyway, I wrote a simple requesttargeturlcodingstrategy that
fulfills my needs. If anyone is interested, here it is:

public class SharedResourcesRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy extends
AbstractRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy {

    private String keyPrefix;

    public SharedResourcesRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy(String mountPath,
Class<?> scope) {
        this(mountPath, scope, mountPath.substring(1));

    public SharedResourcesRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy(String mountPath,
Class<?> scope, String namePrefix) {
        this.keyPrefix = scope.getCanonicalName() + "/" + namePrefix;

    public IRequestTarget decode(RequestParameters requestParameters) {
        String name = requestParameters.getPath
        requestParameters.setResourceKey(keyPrefix + name);
        return new SharedResourceRequestTarget(requestParameters);

    public CharSequence encode(IRequestTarget requestTarget) {
        String key =
        return getMountPath() + key.substring(keyPrefix.length());


    public boolean matches(IRequestTarget requestTarget) {
        if (!(requestTarget instanceof ISharedResourceRequestTarget)) return
        String key =
        return key.startsWith(keyPrefix);

Thank you

On Feb 1, 2008 6:31 PM, Edvin Syse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Then there is the mountSharedResource method, but it works on resource
> > by resource basis. Instead, I need to alias the path for a big number
> > of resources (for example, static images for my application).
> > Ideally,  I would like my images, following the previous example, to
> > be requested as:
> > <wicket:link><img src="img/some_image.gif"/></wicket:link>
> If your goal is just to supply static pictures and don't have
> programmatically control over them, why don't you just create an img-folder
> in
> your webroot? Then pictures will be served by your container instead of
> Wicket :)
> -- Edvin
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