Woops. Should have thought that the list server would strip attachments.

Here is the Java (without imports)
public class AccessDenied extends AccessDeniedPage implements Serializable
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 200802012L;

        public AccessDenied()
                WebMarkupContainer wrapper = new
                        private static final long serialVersionUID =

                        public boolean isVisible()
                                SignInSession currSess =
(SignInSession)SignInSession.get() ;
                                return (currSess.isSignedIn());

                Link signout = new Link("signOut")
                        private static final long serialVersionUID =

                        public void onClick()
                                SignInSession currSess =
(SignInSession)SignInSession.get() ;
                                mwh.WicketApplication wa =
(mwh.WicketApplication)currSess.getApplication() ;

                wrapper.add(signout) ;

                Link pageHome = new Link("home")
                        private static final long serialVersionUID =

                        public void onClick()
                                SignInSession currSess =
(SignInSession)SignInSession.get() ;
                                mwh.WicketApplication wa =
(mwh.WicketApplication)currSess.getApplication() ;

                wrapper.add(pageHome) ;

                Link signin = new Link("signIn")
                        private static final long serialVersionUID =

                        public void onClick()
                                SignInSession currSess =
(SignInSession)SignInSession.get() ;
                                mwh.WicketApplication wa =
(mwh.WicketApplication)currSess.getApplication() ;

                        public boolean isVisible()
                                SignInSession currSess =
(SignInSession)SignInSession.get() ;
                                return (!currSess.isSignedIn());

                add(signin) ;

        public boolean isErrorPage()
                return (true) ;

And the html:
                <div wicket:id="signedInWrapper">
                                <a wicket:id="signOut" href="">Sign Out</a>
                                <a wicket:id="home" href="">Home</a>
                        <a wicket:id="signIn" href="">Sign In</a>

Again, thanks for any pointers.

Bruce McGuire.

-----Original Message-----
From: Martijn Dashorst [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 05 February, 2008 12:24 PM
To: users@wicket.apache.org
Subject: Re: Component failed to render

The attachments have gone AWOL, but I managed to take a look at them while
they were in the moderation queue.


On 2/5/08, Bruce McGuire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi there.
> I am new to Wicket, and have been trying to create a new small application
> to test it out before we switch completely to using Wicket and Hibernate
> (through Databinder).
> I am getting an error with my AccessDenied page, saying that a component
> failed to render.
> ERROR - RequestCycle               - The component(s) below failed to
> render. A common problem is that you have added a component in code but
> forgot to reference it in the markup (thus the component will never be
> rendered).
> 1. [MarkupContainer [Component id = homePageLink, page =
> mwh.page.error.AccessDenied, path = 3:homePageLink.BookmarkablePageLink,
> isVisible = true, isVersioned = false]]
> org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: The component(s) below failed to
> render. A common problem is that you have added a component in code but
> forgot to reference it in the markup (thus the component will never be
> rendered).
> 1. [MarkupContainer [Component id = homePageLink, page =
> mwh.page.error.AccessDenied, path = 3:homePageLink.BookmarkablePageLink,
> isVisible = true, isVersioned = false]]
> I have the component in the page, and have tried it within a div, span,
> etc, in different places, and so on, but I cant get past this error.
> If anyone has a pointer, I would greatly appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> Bruce.
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