I've committed a ticket for this, should have mentioned it here:



On Feb 6, 2008, at 2:47 PM, Michael Mehrle wrote:

I would be happy to - what is the URL for this? (first time - new

In that context - I recently grepped through the Wicket source and
noticed that all the javascript event calls (onchange, onclick, etc.)
are all in the code as plain strings, which is bad practice. Thus I
wrote a *JavaScriptUtil* class that has String constants like CHANGE,
BLUR, DRAG_DROP, etc. (and can be statically imported jdk1.5 style). The
class also includes Javadoc that describes each event in detail. I
thought that this might be a little contribution to Wicket if you want
it. Let me know and I can submit the source (again, would need the URL
and procedure).



-----Original Message-----
From: Igor Vaynberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 5:31 PM
To: users@wicket.apache.org
Subject: Re: Passing list of POJOs to AutoCompleteTextField?

please add an rfe into jira for this.


On Feb 5, 2008 4:38 PM, Michael Mehrle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
That's exactly what I wound up doing. I wrote my custom renderer that
grabs the name field of my POJO for rendering. Of course that is what
I'm getting back from getModelObjectAsString(). It's a work-around and
was hoping for a more elegant way of doing this...


-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Barnum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 4:01 PM
To: users@wicket.apache.org
Subject: Re: Passing list of POJOs to AutoCompleteTextField?

I don't think it is, the getMmodelObject() returns the selected
String.  I've gotten around this by saving the last query string sent
via AJAX.  When the user makes a selection, I iterate over the
options for that query string one more time, and take the POJO whose
rendered string matches the user-selected text.

I'm probably missing something obvious, but I don't think
getModelObject() is it...

Sam Barnum
360 Works

On Feb 5, 2008, at 2:12 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

shouldnt the pojo be availble from getmodelobject()?


On Jan 29, 2008 11:55 AM, Michael Mehrle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I could - if it was a simple matter of extracting the strings from
POJOs. Problem is that, once an option is selected, I need the
underlying POJOs to become the model for the rest of the form. Yes,
there's probably a way to hack this, but I would prefer to do this
in a
clean fashion.

I already got the custom renderer working, so I'm making progress.
#2 now is to grab the underlying POJO after selecting it and
the remainder of the form. This seems to be the tough part...
Again, any
help would be appreciated.



-----Original Message-----
From: Igor Vaynberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 11:47 AM
To: users@wicket.apache.org
Subject: Re: Passing list of POJOs to AutoCompleteTextField?

can you not create an iterator adapter that takes an iterator of
and translates the pojo to some string?


On Jan 29, 2008 11:14 AM, Michael Mehrle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I have a working test page containing an AutoCompleteTextField.
the data feeding it has been an Iterator of strings which is being
passed to its overridden getChoices method. So far so good.

What I need to do now is to pass in an Iterator of POJOs instead
have the AutoCompleteTextField render the 'name' field inside
each of
those beans. After some digging in the Wicket source I suspect
that I
need to create a custom renderer that does this - am I on the
track here or would you guys suggest a different approach?

Another challenge will be to populate other form fields in the
after selecting an option from the AutoCompleteTextField. By
an option in the dropdown I am basically selecting an entire POJO,
is supposed to be used as the model for the other remaining
instance, the POJO will contain address, zip, phone, etc. fields
selecting the appropriate name in the AutoCompleteTextField it
all other fields with the remaining data in the underlying POJO.
this makes sense - I think I have an idea of how to implement
would appreciate any tips/insights.




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