extend wicket's WebSession by your own session class.

and add setUserProfile/getUserProvile methods to id.

Override Application#newSession method and create your session insteance.

Then in your app just do ((MySession)Session.get()).settUserProfile(profile).


On Feb 12, 2008 11:09 PM, Sergey Podatelev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Wicket people,
> I've a bean containing user information, UserProfile. I want this bean to be
> accessible for all the pages during user's session, so I guess, I have to
> store it in the session somehow.
> There's also a UserProfilePage where UserBean is used as data object for
> CompoundPropertyModel. And I use Spring along with Wicket in my application.
> The question is -- what is the best way to store this UserProfile? Should I
> save it in HttpSessionStore directly through "setAttribute" or configure it
> as Spring's injected prototype-scoped bean? Or perhaps Wicket has other way
> to do this which I'm missing?
> Thanks.
> --
> sp

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