On Sun, 17 Feb 2008, Sven Schliesing wrote:
> I'm using the SpringWebApplication cause of createSpringBeanProxy() and the
> automatic init of the configured ApplicationContext
> (http://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/spring.html).
> Manually initializing would be a huge tradeoff for working tests. :)

Hmm, I'm not sure I really see the added value of making
your Application extends SpringWebApplication, maybe just
because I never did it. Maybe you should considering just
ripping the relevant bits out to your own Application class. 

You can also just set your fake ApplicationContext to your 
Application before starting WicketTester, that way your code 
works too.

Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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