Would anyone be willing to share their experiences dealing with the html/CSS 
and Java development life-cycles?   I am looking for folks willing to share 
their experiences with the design/html side of application development with 
Wicket.  I am investigating how to create  a toolbox of UI elements (maybe in 
something like Dreamweaver or Netbeans) that would allow a designer to put 
together a prototype for customers that could then be exactly recreated with 
Wicket.  (This means having code in the prototype exactly like the code created 
by a Wicket component, e.g.  code created by a table or list view component.)  
We would like to write CSS that creates  a consistent look and feel across all 
our internal applications.  We would also like to be able to produce prototypes 
that look like the end product.   Is this concept a good idea?  Is there a 
better way to get consistency between a prototype and the production app?

This list may not be the best place for this conversation so I am willing to 
take it off-line if necessary.  Any assistance or direction to documentation, 
etc would be greatly appreciated.


Elizabeth Hill
Senior Application Developer / IA
Management Information Systems
SAS Institute Inc.

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