Sounds like a great idea, and maybe give companies like SAS institute and SPSS a little run for it:)

I'd love to do that, but unfortunalty I'ts not a business case for my company.. I'd be glad to help out a little though:)

regards Nino

Jay Hogan wrote:
Has anyone thought about writing a Wicket OLAP viewer using the new (still
beta) olap4j API? ( I would kill (ok, maim) for
something like that and Wicket is a great platform for it IMHO. I have not
been very impressed with the Java OLAP pivot tools I have seen, of which
JPivot is the best.

Some of the Pentaho developers have put together a proof of concept called
Halogen using GWT.

-Wicket for love
-Jme for fun

Nino Martinez Wael
Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
+45 2936 7684

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