Did you read the javadoc for Session#exists() ?


"Checks if the Session threadlocal is set in this thread"

So not if the session was created or not.


On 3/11/08, Rajiv Jivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am having a tough time understanding how sessions are
>  created/managed specifically related to the calls
>  public RequestCycle newRequestCycle(Request request, Response response)
>  and
>  public Session newSession(Request request, Response response)
>  I am creating a new session by overriding the method newSession and
>  doing something like
>  public Session newSession(Request request, Response response) {
>    ......
>    Session session = new Session(request);
>    return session;
>  }
>  This works fine. On subsequent calls, newSession isn't called as a
>  session is already in place. This is working as expected.
>  What isn't working is the call
>  to Session.exists(), this is always returning false when its invoked
>  in the method newRequestCycle which I override.
>  public RequestCycle newRequestCycle(Request request, Response response) {
>     if(Session.exists() && <certain condiition is met>) {   <----- The
>  method Session.exists() is always returning false
>          Session  mySession = Session.get();
>          mySession.invalidateNow();
>     }
>  }
>  }
>  Can someone explain why Session.exists() always returns false, and if
>  the session truly doesn't exist why newSession isn't called after the
>  first invocation
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