Hey Guys,
I'm building my first Wicket app and, so far, am really loving Wicket!

I've built my first form and am stumped on a issue with the DateTime
component. I call setLabel() on all the fields in my form and all the labels
I provide appear in the validation error messages except one, the DateTime

Here's the code....

          <td>My Date:</td>
          <td><span wicket:id="myDate"></span></td>

    form.add(new DateField("myDate").setLabel(new Model("My Date"));

The problem is that the validation error message refers to the field as
"date" and not "My Date".

Looking at the source, DateTime.java, I can see why. It appears the
setLabel() is being applied to the FormComponentPanel, which DateTime
extends and not the 'private final DateTextField dateField' within DateTime.

I don't see a way to get at the private "dateField" to setLabel() on it.
How should this be done?

And a related setLabel() question....

Looking at my example code above, you can see that the label "My Date" is
being maintained in both the HTML and the Java. It would be nice if I could
just specify it in the Java and have Wicket apply it in the HTML.

For example...

          <td><span wicket:id="myDate.label">[wicket puts label here - with
          <td><span wicket:id="myDate"></span></td>

Is this possible now?
Or is it a reasonable feature idea?


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