+1, Wicket 1.4 is 1.3 + generics, drop support for 1.3

On 18/03/2008, at 3:35 AM, Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

+1, Wicket 1.4 is 1.3 + generics, drop support for 1.3

On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 3:13 AM, Martijn Dashorst <

This thread is for voting only. Use the [discuss] thread for voicing
your opinion or asking questions. This makes counting the votes much

The discussion on our development list makes it clear that a lot of
folks are anxious for generified models. Most users if not all wish us
to release a quick release which is 1.3 + generics. The consequence is
that the core team will stop to support 1.3, and that everybody that
wishes updates will have to migrate to 1.4, and upgrade to Java 5.

Everybody is invited to vote! Please use

[ ] +1, Wicket 1.4 is 1.3 + generics, drop support for 1.3
[ ] -1, I need a supported version running on Java 1.4

Let your voices be heard!

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Daniel Walmsley
Director, Firesyde
m: +61404864141

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